chris cooper wrote:

I have a marketing exclusive with an MTU for broadband.  The cable sales folks keep showing up soliciting new business for their phone/broadband/video offering.  Property mgmt. has been telling the cable reps that they do not have rights to solicit, only install on his premises.  Their isn’t a valid contract between MTU and Cable Co. Cable mgmt. keeps spouting off about right of entry.  I always thought this gave them the right enter to install or make service calls, period. Can someone give me the text book definition of right of entry?

Along these same lines....

I keep seeing all sorts of new neighborhood development in my area. They subdivide large lots and place houses on each. The infrastructure includes 1.5-2 inch conduit for the local phone company, but they do not pay to put it in.

My question is, who owns that conduit? Does the local *LEC own it or do they only own the wires inside?

If I could get access to that conduit......

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