Has anyone had experience bundling IP and landline transport on Erate bids?  The rules seem to indicate that only Telecom providers as defined in the rules  may supply transport.  However, the WAN fact sheet provides that “wide area network service can be eligible for discount as Internet access, if leasing of the wide area network is the most cost-effective means of obtaining Internet access” as long as access is limited to basic conduit access. It further states that connections between sites leased from a non-telecom carrier are fundable if the method is most cost-effective.


The SLD defines a WAN as “provides connections from one or more computers or networks within an eligible school or library to one or more computer or networks that are external to such eligible school or library”


I would make the argument that leased line connections between my network and an eligible facility constitutes a WAN under the above description and therefore they can lease the whole package from me.


Trying to understand their rules is akin to wading through molasses.



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