But with that bit of verbal fluff, they can already do that. They can offer
DSL, if they enable all of their switches. With very little investment they
can put DSLAMs a little farther out if need be. Of course they can offer
Satellite, always have been able to. I would be further curious to see if
they get this merger under these conditions, that they don't have to sell
any switch capacity to competitors. Verizon up here in NY has stated at
private PSC meetings that they will not upgrade any switches where they have
to offer the facilities to competitors. This is just crap language to
buffalo those who don't understand what is already out
there..............It's hard to watch people make decisions who are

Thank You,
Brian Webster

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter R. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 10:09 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] at&t condition - broadband

By December 31, 2007, AT&T/BellSouth will offer broadband Internet
access service
(i.e., Internet access service at speeds in excess of 200 kbps in at
least one direction) to 100
percent of the residential living units in the AT&TBellSouth in-region
territory. 2 To meet this
commitment, AT&T/BellSouth will offer broadband Internet access services
to t least 85
percent of such living units using wireline technologies (the "Wireline
Buildout Area").
AT&T/BellSouth will make available broadband Internet access service to
the remaining living
units using alternative technologies and operating arrangements,
including but not limited to
satellite and Wi-Max fixed wireless technologies . AT&TBellSouth further
commits that at least
30 percent of the incremental deployment after the Merger Closing Date
necessary to achieve the
Wireline Buildout Area commitment wi11 be to rural areas or low income
living units. 3



Peter Radizeski
RAD-INFO, Inc. - NSP Strategist
We Help ISPs Connect & Communicate

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