I don't know the answer, I would assume us the isp would be the responsible party.

I suppose you will have to charge more as well.
But thats a legit question that will be asked. And a good one too.

Rick Smith wrote:
thanks Marlon...

Got one more for you - what about the hotels that hook up to me for
"virtual" hotspot authentication / billing services through Mikrotik's
hotspot mechanism... am I or the Hotel responsible for capture ?  heh.

I'm sure there's many more questions...

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:17 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Form 445


I've been talking with both the FCC and FBI.  It's up in the air yet, but it

looks like calea compliance won't be that big of a deal. We'll know much more after the Thursday meetings our guys are having.

Here's what I understand so far.... I've gotten this from the head of the FBI's CALEA division (why more people don't pick up the phone is beyond me).

We have to be able to copy a particular customer's data stream to a local machine. They do NOT want a stream cause they may not be able to receive it

fast enough or data may get lost on the way to them. The local machine needs to have a way to transfer the data to them. That could be either via burning a disk, transfer of the entire machine (likely if they provide the machine :-), vpn back to law enforcement or some other mechanism.

At this point there are a couple of issues that I'm not clear on yet. What form does the vpn have to be in. And it may not have to be a particular one. don't know yet. And what kind of security on the local cache machine will have to be in place? Will it have to be physically or electronically or both, isolated from the rest of the company?

There are, of course, other difficult situations. I brought up these examples and more. It was agreed that there may not always be good resolutions etc.

What happens if someone uses my FREE hotspot in town? It's a Linksys, I have NO way to get any useful data from it. If I change it out to a more powerful machine I incur substantial costs AND I tip off the perp that we've

changed something for some reason.

How about that hotel we sell service to?  They won't have the ability to get

useful data from their Linksys routers anymore than I could. And I have no way of determining who's doing what inside their network. Again, no good answers.

I don't think we'll see perfection any time soon. But that doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't try to do our best.....


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 9:44 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Form 445

Ya know Mac, not funny, at the same time, funny.

I think Mark's got a point, albeit dooms-day-ish.

There's no fiscal or physical way small WISPs can comply
with CALEA, and I want to know HOW SPECIFICALLY to do it,
if you think it CAN be done...

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mac Dearman
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:37 AM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Form 445

Patients who experience an acute psychotic episode lasting longer than one
day but less than one month and that may or may not immediately follow an
important life stress or a pregnancy (with postpartum onset). This illness
usually comes as a surprise as there is no forewarning that the person is
likely to "break down," although this disorder is more common in people with a pre-existing personality disorder (particularly histrionic and borderline
types). The main diagnostic criteria is as follows:

The patient has at least one of the following that is not a culturally
sanctioned response:

1. Delusions
2. Hallucinations
3. Speech that is markedly disorganized
4. Behavior that is markedly disorganized or catatonic.

The patient has symptoms from 1 to 30 days and eventually recovers

The disturbance is not better accounted for by a Mood Disorder With
Psychotic Features, Schizoaffective Disorder, or Schizophrenia and is not
due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of
abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Mac Dearman

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of wispa
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 10:52 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Form 445

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 23:46:13 -0500, Rick Smith wrote

I think I'm going to be the first to say this, but
I don't have time to give a crap about calea.  I'm
taking advantage of an industry organization to do
something on my behalf, because I can't have the
time to give a crap later when the FCC comes knocking
after finding out I DIDN'T file...

I predict that somewhere around 80% of small ISP's won't file.  Many won't
even know they have to.

Just think, EVERY block size network.   If you build out for your
neighborhood and have 10 neighbors... YOU have to fork out the big bucks,
are now dead. You just don't know it yet, because you have no idea on earth

that the federal govenrment has just taken wholesale control of the ISP

Now, I run Mikrotik everywhere, and I've seen comments
about packet monitoring "being OK" for compliance, and
I'll STILL not do anything until I'm provided with a
subpoena, but I figure having the paperwork THERE is
probably a necessary evil.

You can bet that any "industry" standard derived will derived with the input

from the telecoms to bankrupt as many small ISP's as possible.

I predict that in 2 years there will not be enough WISP's left to fund WISPA

at all, unless the dues  go up on the order 20 to 50 times.

This, in my opinion, is just big brother licensed
extortion for the little guys.  Paying a TPP for
snooping on your customers is just crap.  But, what
are you going to do ?

You're going to pay and then you're going to go out of business.

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

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