
Since you seem to watch what happens in DC and dislike it, have you managed to pick up on the fact that the small guy usually does not have any sway in DC?

How does a group whose very existence depends on the benevolence of the FCC tell the FCC off?

DC is about give a lot, get a little.

WISPA got Unlicensed spectrum.
The FCC got some BB deployed.

The FCC wanted forms and regulations.
WISPs decided that was too far reaching.

Back when I was fighting forbearance petitions, Earl Comstock said something very pointed: You can yell at Congress & FCC and say regulate them, regulate them. But, hey, don't regulate me.

That has been the history of CLEC and ISP "lobbying" for 10 years.
Regulate them Not me.

But that is NOT how DC works.

Also, Congress Critters are supposed to help their constituents.
That is why they are there. To help with the federal agencies.

A farmer can be mad at the wind, the sun, the rain and the soil.
But at the end of the day, he has to deal with it - plant and sow.


Peter Radizeski
WISPA Wireless List:



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