On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, wispa wrote:

While you're there... or, perhaps on your way there, please consider the fact that you and whoever is meeting there are deciding how every other WISP will structure his network and what they will be forced to spend or do. You will...or will not... set a standard, and then the FCC and FBI will...or will not...accept it, and everyone who has filed that they will be compliant persuant standards discussions will be obligated to do what is laid out in the end. You're a pretty bright guy, Marlon, and I suspect it won't take very long to see what direction this will head. You will be playing with the fates of a lot of people who did not choose this in ANY way.

Choosing it (or not) is not relevant. The law is what it is. You will either choose to follow the law or not. If you choose to follow the law, fine. If you choose to NOT follow the law, fine. Either way, your fate is in YOUR hands...not Marlon or anyone else. I think you've made it abundantly clear that whatever the law says, you are intent on NOT following it....

I haven't filed, because I cannot say I can or cannot comply. However, if this costs more than $100 to implement (that's all I have in the bank at this moment), I will simply file stating I cannot and will not comply, period.

Good deal. Don't comply. With only $100 in the bank...you can only purchase one more CPE....Hope you charge enough at install time to get the next one.

If the FCC then desires to shut me down then, They will have to do so forcibly. I will simply write a letter to all my customers, local newspapers, and state simply that the FCC has decided to take over all internet communications in a few months, and that there's no room left for small operations, and reccommend that they direct all questions to the FCC about why thier internet service will be no more. I will cause them more grief and bury their office in irate phone calls and letters than they can possibly handle. I

Let me try to understand this. You have enough sway with all your (how many customers) to cause the FCC's office "more grief...than they can handle"? And, you only have $100 in the bank? Something isn't adding up. Maybe I missed something.

know several sites where I can reach millions who WILL be activists, if we're not going to act. I'm absolutely positive they

Hmm...Why haven't you used these sites to run for office? It seems to me that you would prefer a life as a politician (I mean besides stating on a public list that you intend to NOT comply with the laws established by regulatory agencies that affect you in a way you don't like). Other than that one little issue, I'd guess you would be a great politician (and likely have more than $100 to show for it).

I suggest you pass this on to the FCC and FBI, along with my estimation that at least 20% of all small operators will do exactly the same. I am SICK AND TIRED of being fed to the wolves without the slightest resistance. You, of all people, should know what it

And just who is doing the "feeding", Mark? Marlon? The FCC? WISPA?

and casual networks, small community and free networks, small joint efforts by a few people to get for themselves what they have a right to get. All possibly being wiped out by careless and overreaching federal agencies. Who's gonna stick up for them? WISPA's just bleating and going along like blind sheep.

Mark...You are speaking of things you haven't a clue about. What makes you thing WISPA is "bleating and going along like blind sheep"? The fact that we (I'm working with them to help create the standards) are trying to create a standard to provide LEAs with information that they need? Is that what it is? I'm confused...someone is feeding you to the wolves and WISPA is a group of sheep. Perhaps you can clear this up for me.

I STILL cannot believe we're walking into this without a single official objection from WISPA or the other organizations supposedly on "our" side. I guess I should not be surprised. Expedience has become the religion of our times. Like rolling over and playing dead is going to earn us brownie points and favors later? Don't count on it.

Objection to WHAT?  You aren't making ANY sense!

Will I help law enforcement track down and prosecute people who are breaking the law or otherwise a threat? No question at all, of COURSE I WILL. I will NOT pre-tap thier connection in any way that

Now who is talking out of both sides of his mouth? "of COURSE I WILL"? You said earlier that you will NOT comply. Now I don't know if I agree with you or not. Perhaps your real calling IS as a politician...(just something to think about, with your support of "millions").

compromises my security or their security, costs me significantly, or is in my view, unconstitutional (which is pretty much anyting done ahead of time). That, as a citizen, is my duty. If that costs me my future and business, it's a small price to pay for what people have given their lives before me to preserve. If I can preserve that for a few people for while... I WILL DO IT.

Mark, I'm going to state some TRUTH here. You'd be wise to read carefully and remove the lens through which you are viewing these things.

1. The FCC, at the request of the FBI (and possibly other LEAs), has ruled that the CALEA laws WILL apply to us as transport providers.

2. There is currently NO STANDARD method to provide the LEAs with the information they need. This means that there is no estimate on how much (or how little) it will cost to be compliant.

3. WISPA has formed a committee (comprised of various people, including WISPs) to help CREATE that standard. The folks on the committee are working diligently to create a low cost way for the WISP industry to be compliant.

4. Several people are going to Virginia out of their own pocket in order to make this happen.

5. We are NOT going to change the law. It is what it is. Also, YOUR are NOT going to change the law. You can try, but you are barking up the wrong tree by attacking those that are doing this work in this list.

6. If I have my way in all of this, MOST WISP networks are going to be either already capable of compliance, or will be able to be compliant with VERY LITTLE expense.

NOW, having said that much, I will move over to my opinion of the law.

1. I think it is important for LEAs to be able to gather data from various sources in order to prosecute criminals.

2. I think it is important for me, as a citizen, to provide that data to them if it is within my power to do so.

3. I believe that the burden of cost, as it relates to compliance with CALEA, should be on the LEAs, but as a citizen and business owner, I have a duty to provide information if I can.

4. I think that saying on a public mailing list that "I will not comply" is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Damn, people, STAND UP FOR ONCE.

Again I must ask, "stand up and do what?". Should we go to the FBI and say, "we don't like this law, and therefore we are not going to follow it. Good bye."? What is it you expect from those that are trying to do something besides spout nonsense on a public list?

I have been an ISP for a LONG time. In all the time I've been in this business, I've worked to provide information for a total of 14 subpeonas. These were all before CALEA required it. All CALEA will do is provide a standard interface for the LEAs. It's not the "wolf" you fear...

Butch Evans
Network Engineering and Security Consulting
My calendar: http://tinyurl.com/y24ad6
Training Partners: http://tinyurl.com/smfkf
Mikrotik Certified Consultant
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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