LOL  I guess you could put those words into my mouth.

*I'm* not the one that doesn't want internet. I don't think that businesses can be as efficient without internet as they could be with it. But it's not my job to run their businesses, it's simply to supply services to them.

We don't do online banking either. Anyone have to get a new cc lately, cause hackers got your card number? grin

Let go back to the original point though. Fully 1/3rd of the population doesn't give a rat's behind about the internet. Who are we to FORCE it upon them? Who are you (not you but generically...) to tell them that they HAVE to use it?

I'd guess that these same arguments took place over the automobile, electricity, telephone, radio, TV etc. Heck, probably there were people that saw no need for the written word in the first place. Or how about the fork? There will always be those that don't care about the latest new "thing" out there. So what? The rest of us will use it and be happy. They won't and be happy. Who's wrong in that? No one.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dawn DiPietro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] one-third of U.S. households have noInternet...and donotplan to get it


Are you sure you are in the business of selling Internet? You find more excuses why potential customers don't need your services. The Internet is NOT just for entertainment. So I suppose this tire shop doesn't use a phone, make appointments, order parts, check on parts ordered, have a bank account and making so much money that they don't need to find ways to save time and money? Do you really believe that none of these businesses in your area have a need for an Internet connection? If you do then it is time to find something else to sell.

Dawn DiPietro

Marlon K. Schafer wrote:


It's so much easier for you to justify the whole thing by saying everyone that wants internet access has it. There is no way education and economics would change this situation?

What situation????? If one doesn't know about internet by now there's no level of "education" that will change that.

The local tire shop doesn't have internet access. And why should they? The do tires and pump gas. What will the internet do for them? Really.....

Same for the local drive in, coffee shop, brewery etc. Sure they all have internet access at home OR the office, but who needs it in both?

In the end, is it up to us to force this new technology on people? No. It's up to them to find a way to use it. They have businesses or lives that don't need internet access or broadband. What the heck is wrong with that?

What I'm saying is that MOST of those that honestly do have a NEED for broadband access, of some kind, have it today. The rest don't have it cause they don't want it.

There is information that should have been included in this article to better explain the real situation but the author of this article does tell the story the way they see it as most people do.

I think that much of the press that says that the US is behind the rest of the world ignores that fact that MOST of the time people spend on line is for entertainment. It's a play thing. The internet is taking away from TV not creating something new. Is it really a big deal if people would rather read a book or watch TV?

Is it realy a bad thing that folks in the US can find other things to do besides sitting in front of the computer? I think not.

How is that rock treating you these days? No tigers I assume. ;-)

Which rock?  The one I live on?  Still hard to grow a lawn here.  grin

Dawn DiPietro

Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
Two thoughts here Dawn.

First, any bets as to how many of the 22% that "can't afford the computer etc." DO have cable TV? I know what the numbers are like in MY area.... It's near 100%.

Next, if 17% say that they don't know how to use the internet it's cause they don't want to. Every town here has FREE internet access. Open to the public in the library. Everyone also has friends with computers that would let their friends use the internet on if it was needed.

No, as much as we technogeeks like to think that the world would come to an end without internet access, the truth of the matter is that it's still possible to live one's life without internet access. And fully 1/3rd of the US population has decided they like it that way. Isn't it great to live in a country that still has so many other options!!!!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dawn DiPietro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] one-third of U.S. households have no Internet...and donot plan to get it


If you read the article it also says 22% of those people said they did not feel they could not afford the computer and everything associated with getting on the Internet so that number is a little misleading in my opinion. Plus 17% of those respondents not on the Internet said they did not know how to use it. If this was not the case then I bet they would subscribe for Internet services. So it sounds to me like if these people were educated in how to use the Internet and could afford it they might see the value.

Dawn DiPietro

John Scrivner wrote:
Remember this the next time someone tells you how "the US is behind in broadband".

George Rogato wrote:

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California (Reuters) - A little under one-third of U.S. households have no Internet access and do not plan to get it, with most of the holdouts seeing little use for it in their lives, according to a survey released on Friday.;_ylt=Ajd_D_JeLhjUgI3IVOtLYJntiBIF

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