I believe the feds have secret deals with the telcos so they can do what ever they want besides calea. Just like I pointed out that fiber att wiretapping deal in the very first days of wispa calea discussion.

This is where I see the imbalance,
The little guys carry the weight and the big guys get gravy secret contracts that help shoulder the burden.

I will still do what I have to do to be compliant. But there is a reality to the even handedness of this.


Jack Unger wrote:
Dear cw,

Thank you for your opinion. I respectfully disagree.

There's nothing wrong with admitting that small local providers can't afford to comply with the same requirements that big carriers like AT&T can comply with. That's the problem here; small local businesses are being asked to shell out more money than they can afford just so the FBI/DOJ/ATF/CIA/NSA/DHS can quickly and conveniently wiretap. As to whether the big carriers have provided input to the FCC (FBI/DOJ/ATF/CIA/NSA/DHS) on this issue; the jury is out on that question for the moment.


P.S. - The issue of obtaining more spectrum from the FCC will be moot once the ranks of the small, local license-free spectrum users are thinned much further. In short, no one will be around to need any more spectrum.

cw wrote:
My opinion is that you're not helping the big picture by saying compliance is more than you can handle. The FCC is not going to go out of their way to hand out more spectrum to providers that can't perform basic requirements. Just like they're not going to help providers that refuse to file 475 forms. You can build a unix box for five hundred dollars that will do the job for you. Or you can buy a turnkey box with support for seven thousand. I've seen it suggested people pool their funds and share a $7000 turnkey box. If you can't do any of these things, then you can't provide required services. I don't like or trust government but I don't think they're out of line requiring providers be CALEA compliant. This one ain't special interests motivated. - cw

Jack Unger wrote:
Dear Representative Stupak,

I'm writing to support your request on March 14, 2007 asking that the FCC Commissioners consider a waiver from CALEA regulations for small broadband providers.

In a nutshell, the costs of complying with the CALEA provisions are far in excess of what small broadband providers can afford to pay. It is poor government policy to allow the costs of CALEA compliance to literally put small broadband providers out of business thereby denying broadband Internet access to many rural Americans.

Do you plan to introduce legislation that directs the FCC to reconsider their regulations and to consider the compliance costs when regulating small Internet access providers?

Please advise me how I can further support your effort to retain broadband Internet access service for rural Americans.

Thank you for your time, interest, and efforts.

            Jack Unger

P.S. - I am copying this email to the general email list maintained by the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA.org) to help as many small ISPs as possible learn about and support your efforts in their behalf. I will forward your response to this list.

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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