I said this several months ago and I'll say it again.... MT and Star-OS are used because of price. Period.

If the "certified" systems come out and are double the price (so $400 for a RB532 type solution compared with $200 now) how many people are going to start using the certified ones? Very few. Even if it's only $50 extra, are people really going to pay that much extra when so far they haven't worried about it?


Matt Liotta wrote:
George Rogato wrote:
The reason we like stuff MT and Star, it works and we like it.

I'm glad it works and that you like it because you like it. That doesn't really help me understand why one would choose MT over something else. I mean there has to be something beyond that you like it if you are willing to use it in favor of something else that is certified.

I don't really care for the whole discussion of whether certified gear should be used or not. Every piece of gear has advantages and disadvantages as well as pricing considerations. Regardless of whether someone is willing to use uncertified gear, I am sure that given the choice between uncertified and certified everyone would choose certified every time. Therefore, uncertified gear is at a disadvantage to other gear, so it must make up for this disadvantage some other way or no one would choose it. What is MT's advantage?


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