HiHas anyone heard of these guys?   They keep calling me wanting me to sign up 
to resell their service saying that if I don't there new technoligy will put me 
out of business.  So far they claim 1.5M NLOS at 30 miles.  They say it will 
cut through trees up to 16 to 20 miles in mountain terain.   And they are 
selling T1s for $19.95 and T3s for $70-$80 with no setup, installation, or 
equipment costs..  And I get a whole $3 for for each customer I sign up.  They 
also claim to be able to sell T2 and T3 service also.   They claim to have 3 
licenesed frequencies but will not disclose them.  

Sounds like a bunch of BS to me.  Lots of marketing fluff and no facts.

Jory Privett

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jack Sample / Namia Corporation 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 7:29 PM
Subject: Update on T1 Mobile Wireless Service

      Hi Jory,                                                                  
                Tuesday, July 31, 2007

      Hopefully you haven't forgotten me since a lot of water has passed under 
the bridge since I last communicated with you regarding the T-1 to T-3 level 
mobile wireless Internet service that is soon to be launched on the world. 

      Well, you may have thought that we went away but it was only a temporary 
delay.  First of all I want to apologize to you for the early notification that 
turned out to be a false summit.  We had felt that launch was eminent when we 
sent out the cards late last year. The setback was only temporary though and we 
are finally emerging from the quiet time and able to share what is going on 
with everyone.

      I have included the last 7 months of short notes from ItsYourNet CEO Ken 
Stewart to catch you up on where are are and what can be expected in the next 
few months.  I don't have any information other than what comes out in these 
news briefs so just stay tuned for further developments.

      January 4:  From ItsYourNet CEO Ken Stewart...

      The questions are still coming in about the Wireless Internet project and 
Stock in the Corporation since I released the last newsletter announcing the 
orders we are under with the "Quiet Time" on Thursday, December 22, 2006.

      Let me say this again...
      "We are under strict orders to not say anything further about the 
Wireless project until authorized to do so."

      And as a result, these questions need to stop coming in to our support 
channels - Thank you!

      Furthermore, with a $13-Billion investor, no Seed or Preferred Stock 
needs to be offered and no other investment capital needs to be sought, so sale 
of Stock is not required to raise the money needed to launch the project.

      What you do and will receive as an Affiliate with ItsYourNet is 
notification of the Stock being made available to the public before you can 
learn about it going live anywhere else.

      We will let you know when the Stock is live for public purchase even 
before your Broker calls you to recommend buying it, but that is all we can do; 
ItsYourNet does not own the Wireless Company, and even I personally have no way 
to obtain Stock before it is available publicly.

      April 26:  from ItsYourNet CEO, Ken Stewart...

      The Wireless Corporation CEO, Mr. Gary Brown, met with us here at 
ItsYourNet's office last Tuesday and shared some wonderful new developments 
that we've been authorized to pass on to you.

      The latest on the CPU / chip development is that there are now just two 
(2) chip manufacturers remaining in the bidding process for the mass production 
of the chip required to run the Wireless systems.

      Although we're not yet authorized to disclose the name of these two 
manufacturers, we expect by the next Newsletter release on May 10, 2007 that we 
should be able to provide a solid time-frame for the prototype chips to be 
created, and, thus project a solid time-frame for the mountainous terrain 

      Further developments and news Gary offered is that the Wireless services 
are going to be going global much faster than originally planned! Due to recent 
business connections made, shortly after the North American Wireless service is 
introduced, China will be opened up!

      This is incredible news as it offers access to a 6th of the worlds 
population almost 2-years sooner than what was originally planned, and 
increases and advances the time-frame to introduce the Wireless services into 
Europe by 2-years as well.

      May 10:  From Ken Stewart...

      The Wireless Corporation CPU / chip development Contract has now been 
locked up with a major chip manufacturer, with the development of proto-type 
chips required to run the mountainous terrain testing end of the Wireless 
systems well underway.

      Although we're not authorized to disclose the name of this major chip 
manufacturer (for obvious security reasons), however, we can disclose that it 
is expected that the proto-type chip-sets will be ready for testing within the 
next 6 to 8 weeks.

      With that said, and as long as the proto-type chip-sets work as they are 
suppose to, the projected time-table for the mountainous terrain signal testing 
will be within the month of July, 2007, with an expected testing time-table to 
take approximately two (2) months from the time the signal testing begins.

      This puts a time-frame before us for as soon as the months of September 
or October this year for the mountainous terrain signal testing to be completed!

      We will keep you updated with the date the new chip-set prototypes are 
completed, and, when the mountainous terrain testing has a hard scheduled date 
to commence and be completed.

      Do realize, when this signal testing phase is done, we will be standing 
on the doorstep of launching the future of the Internet!

      June 7:  from Ken Stewart

      The Wireless Corporation proto-type chip has been built, it is already in 
the possession of the Wireless Corporation, and it has already been tested!

      On Wednesday, June 6, 2007
      Mr. Gary Brown, CEO of the Wireless Corporation, released the following:

      "We received the proto-type chip early in the week and went straight into 
testing it with the new programming and its interaction with the main-frame 
computers. I was surprised, but the chip is working faster and better than we 
had expected or thought we could even hope for..."

      "We did find one last small flaw in the chip though, an algorithm that 
had either been missed in the program rewrite, or that was transferred over 
from the old corrupted code used in the original Arizona testing. But this is 
both easy and fast to get fixed. Our chip manufacturer will have the 
replacement chip with the bad algorithm removed in our hands either Thursday or 
Friday of this week, then we put it through the final tests with the new 
programming and its interaction with the main-frame computers."

      "Once we're satisfied with the last of the lab testing, we can then 
schedule the last phase of field testing in the mountainous terrain areas."

      WOO HOO!

      With that said, the projected time-table for the mountainous terrain 
signal testing to be scheduled is now possible within this month of June, 2007, 
with an expected testing time-table to take approximately two (2) months from 
the time the mountainous terrain signal testing begins.

      This puts a time-frame before us for as soon as the months of August or 
September this year for the mountainous terrain signal testing to be completed!

      We will keep you updated with any and all details and when the 
mountainous terrain testing has a hard scheduled date to be completed.

      June 28: From Ken Stewart...

      The third (3rd) proto-type CPU chip, with enhanced features, is now in 
possession and going through rigorous lab testing!

      All tests are going extremely well with better than anticipated results - 
Further updates about the Wireless Internet Project will be released in the 
General Meeting tonight, with further in-depth updates released in the 
NetAffiliate / 3DNetAffiliate Private Training tomorrow on Friday, June 29th!

      July 5:  From Ken Stewart...


      It's been a little over 4 weeks of waiting, but the time has come where 
Gary Brown, CEO of the Wireless Corporation, is finally scheduled to meet with 
the multi-billion dollar financial backer again, mid-day tomorrow, on Friday, 
July 6th.

      With the third prototype chip / CPU having now gone through rigorous lab 
testing (which Gary has reported has worked better than expected with the 
programming and the main frame computer systems), the next step we've all been 
waiting for is the mountainous terrain testing to be scheduled.

      That's the last major step before mass production of the chip takes 
place, with the IPO (Initial Public Offering) of the Wireless Corporation's 
stock being made live and available to all shortly thereafter, and the services 
go LIVE!

      These are very exciting times!

      Gary's meeting with the multi-billion dollar financial backer is the next 
step we've all been waiting for to set the wheels in motion for all other final 
phases of the project, and with the couple of hours they have scheduled 
together, we expect a lot to be planned and covered, with Gary ending up having 
a bunch of new and wonderful news to share with everyone in the ItsYourNet 
NetAffiliate / 3DNetAffiliate Private Meeting tomorrow night!

      July 26:  From Ken Stewart...

      The field testing is a GO!

      After a little over two-years in re-development, the lab-testing of the 
new prototype CPU / chipset now complete with better than expected success, and 
the Wireless Corporation's multi-billion dollar financial backer having 
authorized the final field testing phases to proceed, the field testing has now 
been scheduled to commence next month; August, 2007!


      And so there you have it...   So close we can feel it but still not able 
to give a definite date or exactly how things will roll out.  I know that they 
certainly have had plenty of time to develop the plan for how they are going to 
implement this and they will not want to let any grass grow under their feet.  
I think I will look for some Chinese business contacts.  Sounds like a good 
place to be in the market. :)

      Keep looking up.

      Jack Sample
      402 264-3105  



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