
There has just recently been an extended thread on techs vs engineers
on the Private Wireless forum, at Yahoo groups.


That is a group intended primarily for people involved with the LMR
systems, ie the push to talk radios, and data systems found in public
safety systems, etc.  Two way radio.

Component level repair, as in changing out a capacitor or
some such is almost a lost art.  Replacment costs of the
entire board or depot level repair, versus the cost involved with
surface mount repairs makes it very much a replace world now a days.  Many
agencies have service contracts on their mobiles so the radios are swapped
out and sent to a depot for repair.  The depot swaps boards, and may
repair boards using tools like "Bed of nails".

A good systems tech in the two way world can make well over 60-80k 
easily now a days, with full benefits including vehicle, phone, 
health, retirement.  A systems tech makes sure the backbone is
working - the repeater sites, the microwave backhaul,  etc.  He 
may be called to work on various other public safety equipment.

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heaven knows we need them down here!
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>> Hi,
>> I've recently graduated with a BA in English BUT am interested in 
>> shifting towards a career as a communications or radio technician.  I 
>> don't really know much about how to go about doing this.  Any tips?  
>> I've thought about going back to school to pursue a BS in Electrical 
>> Engineering, but would that be overkill?  Any and all advice is welcome!
>> Thank you,
>> Ryan Van Dolson

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