George Rogato wrote:

[ about The Dude ]
> But it must take up a lot of resources to do this to a large 1000 node 
> network.

It's not quite "real time" - The Dude's bandwidth indicia on its maps 
update every 30 seconds or so. That's roughly how often MRTG and Cacti 
(and basically everything else) updates bandwidth graphs, by default, so 
the load should be vaguely comparable.

I have a three-year-old Celeron monitoring basically every tower on my 
small network (there's about 250 items in The Dude's devices list), and 
on that same server an old copy of WhatsUp doing the same thing (it 
doesn't have as many features, but a much better IMO Web interface), and 
that server's CPU and bandwidth usage are both negligible (CPU is 
near-zero, bandwidth is a steady 100kbps all the time).

The Dude can, relatively easily, be configured to do just about anything 
that any other SNMP client can handle. I've got it monitoring for errors 
on T1s, monitoring SNR on backhaul links, and so on. (This isn't 
different from any other good SNMP package, of course.)

Honestly, the only issue I have with it (and it's a small one) is that, 
if your device uses something other than the "standard" MIBs for traffic 
counters, you can't put those pretty little traffic gauges on your maps 
directly. Fortunately, the only gear in my network exhibiting this quirk 
is Trango, and you can still make traffic graphs (you just have to go 
through some extra steps).

Given that it's free software, a few little quirks are to be expected. :D

David Smith

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