So what exactly are the zoning rules for structures in that area-
specifically towers?  You did not tell us this.
Many times any structure of a certain height of any type need a variance or
use permit to be there- in our area it is 35 ft. Even applies to a house. 

Of course if you were a Ham operator and this was a Ham tower and only Ham
antennas were on it, you could try the Federal pre-emption PRB-1. But all
this does is help force them to create less stringent rules for that tower.
For example, after enlisting the help of an attorney, one local Ham got most
of the Counties/Cities here to raise that to 70' as long as proper
engineering was done and a few other requirements were ment, such as lot


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Isp Operator
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:38 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Tower site liscensing problem

Hi Gang,

We recently received notice that one of our locations has received the 
interest of our county planning department, who has determined that the 
location requires a 'use permit' for a major impact utility location 
(eg: Cellular telephone). Naturally, we strongly disagree with this 

The site is in a remote location, on private property completely out of 
view of anybody(*), solar powered, on a 25' mast, with only the most 
basic of equipment installed including two access points with an omni 
and a sector. Aside from being 'outdoors', really, there's no 
resemblance to a 'cellphone tower' as the gear is equivalent to what 
most people use for their home wireless networks, albeit with slightly 
larger externally mounted antennas. The planning department DID NOT cite 
any building codes or height restrictions, just that we seem to be 
'transmitting' as well as 'receiving', and we're certain that the 
determination has to do ONLY with the fact that it's a wireless repeater 
and otherwise wouldn't receive any attention at all if it was a wind 
generator, weather station or other application.

The substantial weight of the use permit process they wish us to go thru 
is exactly that for a major cellphone site, complete with hefty 
application fees, public hearings, zoning approvals, and the whole nine 
yards. Assuming we made it all the way thru the process, we would then 
also be required to build it up with severe site upgrades including fire 
access and other features, which is simply too much overkill and we 
would not be able to comply.

Isn't there some kind of exemption or otard-similar ruling or legal 
guidelines from the fcc regarding this type of situation?  I can only 
imagine that the criteria cited would also apply to many, many other 
uses of part-15 devices and that the regulations just predate (2001 in 
our case) the real onslaught of linksys in every home. I also imagine 
that there would be substantial damage if every wisp was required to get 
cellphone tower permits for every single repeater in use according to 
these strict interpretations. We're going to need more than common sense 
here, we're going to need legal precedence or references to directly 
refute this determination, and we would appreciate your help.

Thanks all.

(* We were turned in by a certain tin hat, who has been dogging us for 
some time now and attempting to create sympathy for their extreme views 
which we are sure you all are aware of. Just one more reason to not 
share detailed system information with anybody....)

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