Andrew Niemantsverdriet wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Charles Wyble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Andrew Niemantsverdriet wrote:
>>> How to I prevent SOHO routers from handing out bogus DHCP information
>>> when they are plugged in backwards?
>> Filter them upstream?
> How would I filter upstream? All clients go into a switch so I would
> have to filter at the switch level, what switches provide this?

So what exactly did you mean by plugged in backwards? The WAN port 
instead of the LAN port?
Can you explain your architecture  a bit?
> This was more of a WISP dashboard program. The captive portal stuff
> was secondary the main part of the program was more of an access
> controller. It allowed the admin to control IP's maintain MAC ACL's

Ah. Well check out ZeroShell for this. Its a very cool distro. Also 
check out Untangle.

Charles Wyble (818) 280 - 7059
CTO Known Element Enterprises / SoCal WiFI project

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