Hi All,

Here is the letter that I sent to my senators this am:
Dear Senator Cantwell,

            Please vote no on the stimulus bill.  As written this bill seems 
set to mainly put pork barrel money into the hands of the large companies 
who's misuse of investment funds clearly led to the current market crash.

            Giving more of MY money to the liars, cheats, and thieves on 
Wall Street will do NOTHING to make me turn loose of the hard earned money 
that I get to keep.

            Please keep in mind that no company is too large to fail.  If 
they screw up they deserve to fail.  That is the only way that new, creative 
enterprises can ever get started.

            The current mess we are in has far more to do with my confidence 
as a consumer than anything else.  I'll be paying off debt, building a cash 
reserve and doing without some of the nice things I'd like to have.  In a 
year or two I'll likely start spending money on fluff again.

            Then again, if I have to worry about paying off a greatly 
increased government debt (or my grandkids having to pay it back) I'll hold 
on to every cent I can for as long as I can so that my family does not end 
up in even worse shape a generation or two down the road.

            Again, please stop the madness!  Don't rush into a trillion 
dollar shopping spree. Vote no.


Marlon K. Schafer

To send yours is easy, click here:


Select your state, then click on the link.  I typed mine in word first so 
that I could spell check it.

Once the bill passes I'll send something similar stating that they need to 
put the money into the engine that drives our economy not the rest of the 
train.  Small business makes up 95% of our economy last I knew.  (anyone 
have current numbers???)  So this package really needs to go to those small 
sub 10m per year (or is it 100m?  What is a small business?) companies not 
the fortune 500 or even 1000.

If you don't vote you can't bitch!  Get off those lazy computer geek butts 
and make your voices heard!

Fingers crossed,

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