My experience living in the rainy pacific northwest is, regular old blue 
or grey cat 5 cable has lasted all the 10 years I've been doing this. I 
use it on all my houses and buildings.

White cat 5 does not work outdoors and deteriorates quickly. Should be 
no surprise.

Up a tower I use an a cable that is flooded and has an aluminum 
sheath-tube over the inner cat 5 cable.
I've bought it for .17 and .25 per foot from an electrical supplier. I 
like this stuff better than the typical armored gopher cable.

One thing for certain working with cables is it's always a learnig 
experience and as time goes on we seem to always find better techniques.
Call it the school of hard knocks.

Working with rootennas and those ethernet pass throughs, I've learned to 
  tape them up like an n male connector and to actually fold the cat 5 
cable to under the passthrough and tape it in place there.

Fixing water damaged connections is not a pleasant experience for me.

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