The problem is, it's a fair amount of effort to challenge since *you*  
have to challenge it at the census block level, just as they had to  
justify it at the census block level.

And if the area is as the poster describes, it's impossible to  
challenge. He might have a very good reason why he can't reach even  
50% of the residents (that's what he said, I'll remind you) in his  
area. But, it is irrelevant. They don't care *why* you can't reach the  
other households...they just care that you don't.

If this is a big application then it's going to cover far more than  
his territory anyway, and you will NOT be able to have a section cut  
out of an otherwise qualifying target census set just because you do  
cover it. They went out of their way to encourage "gerrymandering" in  
the applications, which included the ability to include covered  
territory as long as the total number of already covered households  
was under 50% (which it is in this case as it's been explained to us).


On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:16 PM, Tom DeReggi wrote:

> Yes, It definateately IS appropriate to attempt to BLOCK bad  
> applications.
> The NTIA/RUS has no way to know if an applcation is innapproriate or  
> in
> conflict of interest if we dont tell them.
> Quite honestly, the applicant may not know it is in conflict of  
> interest
> without telling them.
> I specifically hate applacation that just selected 1 HUGE contiguous  
> area.
> The reason is, they did't take the time that they should ahve to  
> look down
> to the census block level to determine what blocks really are and  
> aren't
> underserved areas. If anything it is the LARGE AREA applicants that  
> are
> attempting to scam the system, to get grant money for served areas,  
> with the
> hope no one will protest it.
> There is nothing wrong with competition. But this grant is NOT  
> creating
> competition. It is giving the applicant a SUPER HUGE advantage over  
> any
> other pre-existing provider in the area, and that is anti-American,and
> anti-fair-competition in my mind.
> To give a new provider a free network, and the existing provider no  
> funds,
> is a disaster plan to put pre-existing businesses out of business,  
> and to
> risk throwing away the much investment made by those original  
> entreprenures.
> What I recommend is that people diligently protest, but with fact, and
> suggested resolution. The goal should NOT to prevent the party from  
> gaining
> a grant to serve truely underserved/unserved areas, but to instead  
> incourage
> NTIA/RUS to force the applicant to revise its applicant to remedy the
> conflict of Interest.  Also note that once an area gets a grant, it  
> very
> possible that NTIA/RUS may never give another grant to that same  
> area.  When
> this is done at the Census Block level it is no problem, because  
> applicants
> can narrow down to each area that they serve and dont serve. But when
> someone lists an ENTIRE County, it risks that future legitimate  
> application
> for needy census blocks will be denied because of the area being  
> recorded as
> already served by a grant applicant.  Is it right for an Entire  
> county to be
> given to a new provider? Remember applicants are required to serve ALL
> customer in an area.  That means they will be getting grant money to  
> put you
> out of business.
> I also think there is a misconception that the protestor must prove  
> the data
> that shows its not underserved. I do not believe that is 100% true.  
> I think
> ther eis a clear valid arguement that if an applicant cant afford to  
> gather
> the mapping data to file for their own grant, they surely should not  
> be
> required to spent lots of money to map the errors in other people's
> application.
> I believe aprotestor should only have to protest to the level that  
> creates a
> reasonable amount of doubt about the applicant.  The burden to prove
> coverage is on the applicant's original submission. So if you  
> protest an
> applicant by saying it is a served area by cable and fios, the  
> applicant's
> original data should have to prove it FIOS and Cable does not  
> overlap it,
> not you.
> If they submitted incomplete documetnation, that is there problem, and
> should lead to the disqualification of their application.
> You being a provider in the area with a small market share, will not  
> likely
> be enough to protest an application on its own, but it should still be
> possible to build a case.
> For example, lets say there are three applicants, and two were  
> careful not
> tto overlap your coverage, but one applicant did overlap you. Simple  
> state
> that the applicant that overlapped you clearly did not do his  
> homework to
> isolate which areas are served or not, and that you support the  
> other two
> applicants that properly identified and avoided conflciting areas.
> The idea is to develop support for the applications that won't harm  
> you. And
> give the NTIA/RUS an option to award grants that will create  
> possitive press
> and not negative press.
> I beleive the overnment wants this program to besuccessful, and  
> nobody wants
> an aftermath press stating things like "grant money puts local  
> businesses
> out of business".
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "L. Aaron Kaplan" <>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Searchable Map of Stimulus projects
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Steve Barnes wrote:
>> Digital Bridge has asked for money for Underserved for the county
>> that I service, the whole county.
>> Questions:
>> 1. Since I am the only WISP in the Rural areas of my county and my
>> standard is 1024/256 with 2.4 and there is 50% of the clients that I
>> cant get due to trees. I assume that that will be seen as
>> Underserved.  Is there anything that I can do to get this blocked?
> Just a quit though - correct me if I am wrong, but...
> Isnt blocking competition very un-American somehow?
> Is "blocking" even possible?
> I hope you also applied for getting thru the trees, no?
>> 2. Now it appears that they asked for money for all the Census
>> blocks in the county.  ALL the cities have My service, DSL, and
>> Cable.  How can that be labeled as Underserved.  If we get one Block
>> rejected does that stop the one request which would be all my area?
> ---
> there's no place like, except maybe ::1 (someday)
> (üäö)
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Chuck Bartosch
Clarity Connect, Inc.
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(607) 257-8268

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and water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile, His work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?"

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