Yesterday I created a quick 4 question survey about government form 477 that 
all WISPs are supposed to file with subscriber counts.  50 people have filled 
it out so far.  If you haven't yet, it takes 60 seconds or less.  please go to

The questions are

-Is your customer base increasing/decreasing
-how many subs do you have
-did you file form 477
-would you like help if you didn't

quick results so far are
Customer base  = 46 increasing, 4 decreasing
total customers =65,074 from 49 WISPs = 1,328 subs per WISP
File form 477 = 21 yes, 10 late, 18 no
want help filing = 13 yes, 3 no

Will do more in-depth look tonight

A Quick note.  of the 4 with decreasing customer bases.  3 of them have under 
500 subs.  If it doesn't already exist, I think it would be a great idea to 
have a (guide) for 0 - 500 subs. Things like
Bandwidth - general prices, pros/cons. T1, Cable, DSL, etc
Marketing ideas, assistance, etc
what people use to run the business.
Forms, procedures.

I am not on the board for WISPA, but I think this would be a good "value" to be 
provided to members.  Of course, some of the recommendations will change for 
larger WISPs.

Scott Piehn

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