On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 04:48:38PM -0700, Tom Sharples wrote:
> Have you run into the pfsense pptp limitation? That is, only one
> customer (behind your pfsense NAT router) , can establish a pptp
> session to the same external pptp server at a time. At least, that's
> what the pfsense download site lists under known limitations.

Yes, on the office LAN.  We had a short period of time during which two
or three of us were doing unrelated work for the same client at the same
time.  We collided.  We took turns.  We don't have many PPTP VPN using
customers and it's very rare that more than one of us will need to deal
with that customer at the same time.

I've not heard any complaints from my customers who are behind the other
pfSense box.

IIRC, the limitation is one NATed IP talking to a particular PPTP server
on the outside via a particular outside IP at one time.  Unless you have
a lot of people tele-commuting for the same company, you are unlikely to
see the problem.

You can have an "unlimited" number of customers talking to an
"unlimited" number of external PPTP servers at the same time so long as
no two customers are talking to the same server at the same time.  If
you have multiple external IPs, you should be able to work around the
problem for the rare customers who are affected by playing with the
Advanced Outbound NAT rules.  I've not actually had to do so, thus the
word "should".  I believe this situation is supposed to be all better in
2.0.  I haven't had the time, or need, to check up on it.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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