House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) convened a meeting of top communications 
companies on Wednesday morning, where he questioned why they are not doing more 
to help Republicans in the fight against net-neutrality rules. 

A spokeswoman for McCarthy confirmed the meeting.


The facts are that Net Neutrality is not about keeping all the bits equal.  Net 
Neutrality is about regulatory creep.  It's about controlling the 
infrastructure so that the message can be controlled.  It's about things like 
Internet Sidewalks [5], and Free Press' founder Robert McChesneys desire to 
control information, have a government takeover of infrastructure, and control 
what is available to the people.  We know this when he stated,

"You will never, ever, in any circumstance, win any struggle at any time. That 
being said, we have a long way to go. At the moment, the battle over network 
neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We 
are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media 
capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control."

I asked once... about a year ago.   "What side is WISPA on?"

I still can't tell.  Are they on the "no regulation is needed, get lost!" 
bandwagon, or are they on the "We welcome the chance to have input on your 
future plans" bandwagon?

The two roads diverged a while back.   

Which is WISPA on?  

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