Hello my name is Jack Rickard.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: John Scrivner <j...@mvn.net>
Reply-To: j...@mvn.net, WISPA General List <wireless@wispa.org>
Date:  Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:27:32 -0500

>I am sure many of you old trimers to the ISP business remember Jack Rickard,
>founder of Boardwatch Magazine, BBSCON which became ISPCON? I am honored to
>say that Jack and I have become friends. He and I have brainstormed about
>all sorts of whackiness over the last few years.  He has been feverishly
>seeking some new "thing" to put his time, money and energy behind to
>rekindle that spark of innovation and creation of new and budding industry.
>He has found it in converting cars to electric. So....history is repeating
>itself in a way. Jack is now doing a weekly Internet "TV" show he calls the
>Friday Show on his website at http://evtv.me . It is free so you might want
>to check it out. He is also working on a conference for those who are
>converting their own cars to electric. Jack is still full of the same
>excitement and energy as he has always had. His new focus is interesting and
>I just wanted to share it with the rest of you. I am actually hoping to do
>my own conversion one day. I apologize that this is not really on topic for
>a wireless Internet list but I know Jack's efforts were a big part of many
>of your lives and so I thought it was appropriate to share it here.
>John Scrivner
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Jack Rickard <mjrick...@gmail.com>
>Date: Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:30 AM
>Subject: Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention EVCCON
>To: John <j...@mvn.net>
>  Email not displaying correctly? View it in your
> Writer/Director Chris Paine's documentary feature film "*Who Killed the
>Electric Ca*r?" premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2006 before its
>release by Sony Pictures to critical acclaim in 100 U.S. markets.  The film
>was the third highest-grossing theatrical documentary of 2006 and screened
>with "*An Inconvenient Truth"* in many markets.
> The film was written and directed by Chris Paine, and produced by Jessie
>Deeter, and executive produced by Tavin Marin Titus, Richard D. Titus of
>Plinyminor and Dean Devlin, Kearie Peak, Mark Roskin, and Rachel Olshan of
>Electric Entertainment.  The film grossed over $1.75 million - a large
>number for independent documentaries of this type.
> Currently in wide DVD release, Paine's film investigates the events leading
>to the quiet destruction of thousands of new, radically efficient electric
>vehicles. Through interviews and narrative, the film paints a picture of an
>industrial culture whose aversion to change and reliance on oil may be
>deeper then its ability to embrace ready solutions.
> *Who Killed the Electric Car?* and Chris Paine were nominated by the
>Writer's Guild for Best Documentary of 2006. The film also received
>nominations from The Broadcast Critics Awards and The Environmental Media
>Awards for Best Documentary of 2006. The film won the audience award at the
>Canberra International Film Festival and won a special jury prize at the
>Mountain Film Festival.
> Festivals and Awards
> 1) Nominated: Best Documentary - Environmental Media Awards (2006)
> 2) Won - Special Jury Prize Mountain Film (Telluride) (2006)
> 3) Nominated Writers Guild: Best Documentary
> 4) Nominated Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, 2007 Best Doc.
> 5) Won - Audience Award at the Canberra International Film Festival.
> The film screened at the following Film Festivals:
> San Francisco Film Festival
> Sundance Film Festival
> Deauville Film Festival
> Seattle Film Festival
> Los Angeles Film Festival
> Canberra Film Festival  Tribeca Film Festival
> Berlin International Film Festival
> Atlanta Film Festival
> Newport Film Festival
> Mountain Film Festival
> Sony marketed *Who Killed The Electric Car?* in over 100 theatrical markets
>to become the third highest grossing documentary in 2007. Netflix now lists
>nearly 150,000 ratings of the  DVD release from renting customers. Over 400
>reviews have been written on Neflix and it is in their Top Ten List of
>"important movies you should see."
> Thanks to the massive push behind *An Inconvenient Truth* (they were a
>trailer for that film in theaters) and internet word of mouth, this West
>LA-produced documentary reached people around the world and helped inspire
> The success of *Who Killed the Electric Car?*  rather goes beyond electric
>cars.  It has been an inspiration to independent producers of documentaries
>and with the advent of video on the Internet, has led to an entire movement
>of video production marketed around the large distributors, such as Sony,
>with numerous other documentaries gaining an audience directly.
> Pain has been working on a sequel *Revenge of the Electric Car*.  This is
>scheduled for release April 22nd at the Tribeca film festival in New York.
> I found the original documentary a bit far from unbiased, and strangely
>naive.  Having worked in large corporations, I almost view conspiracy
>theories as almost an anthropomorphism of corporations.   After you see a
>large corporation go through five CEO's in seven years, and with
>"reorganization" become a ritualized annual event, it dawns on you that
>there is really no one home in these entities.  No one is in charge.  Chaos
>largely reigns. And assigning any particular point of view or mission would
>be viewed almost as a joke within the organization.  Cubicle city doesn't
>really have a leader, a mission, or a point of view.  It just is.  And it
>lives to continue to live, turning on any perceived threat with the same
>reptilian focus and process.  It is what it is, but an intelligent
>"conspiracy" it is not.  And a secret  is an absurdity in organizations that
>thrive on rumor at the water cooler.
> So I personally found Paine's view in *Who Killed the Electric Car?* almost
>painfully naive - a child mind's view of the world.
> That's a little bit in conflict with the fact that the mission and intent
>of the film is definitely one I share.  I think the adoption of electric
>drive in transportation is a heroic imperative with a very deadly clock
>running against it, the only hope to avoid a worldwide financial meltdown of
>unprecedented proportions - a 20 year depression with the collapse of banks
>and financial institutions world wide.  This dark picture is so completely
>detailed in my mind, that I normally don't even speak of it as it almost
>doesn't matter and most of our viewers would dismiss it as total madness and
>irrationality on my part.
> But I'm also very intrigued by how techno-social change actually occurs.  I
>was in a privvy position to watch this first hand over the course of a
>couple of decades with the development of the Internet, and I'm profoundly
>moved by the difference between how most people THINK change is achieved and
>how it is actually achieved.   The latter being by large scale rather slowly
>developing grass roots movements led by key individuals.
> And I almost view it as all part of God's plan.  We really can't have a
>society where we completely retool our communications infrastructure, at an
>expense of hundreds of billions of dollars, because somebody has a good idea
>or because some fad concept becomes the object of desire at the moment.
> Similarly, we cannot spend a trillion dollars on retooling our
>transportation infrastructure based on such notions.
> And so we wind up with a governments, existing businesses, automobile
>manufacturers and oil companies all fighting  with all the tools they
>command to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO.   And we have a small, but growing army
>of "fringe" people, all working on the concept of electric vehicles.  It is
>THEIR job to maintain the status quo.   It is OUR job to wrest change in
>that status quo.  And all is right with the world.
> Picture a hive of ants where 95% of the ants work to maintain the anthill
>against all comers and against all change.  But they always maintain 5% of
>their population as scouts and foragers always looking for new ways to find
>food or improve the anthill.  If they stumble on an idea for change so
>persuasive, members of the 95% start to defect.  At some critical mass, the
>anthill suddenly adopts.  Where that tipping point occurs is very
>interesting.  But we have seen all of this play out in just this way with
>the INternet.  And I think we will with electric transportation as well.
> But we might have to revise what electric transportation IS and what it
>means several thousand times along the way until it becomes irresistable to
>the anthill.
> In the meantime, our government, our automotive manufacturers, and the oil
>companies are doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING.  And we're
>doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing.  There is no evil.  THere is
>no conspiracy.  It just is what it is and it works this way for good and
>varied reasons emerging over tens of thousands of years of human
> The way I think of this is that there are 166,000 gasoline stations with a
>vested interest in selling gasoline.  All 50 states tax gasoline and
>cummulatively derive $25 billion in annual revenues from it.  The United
>States government also taxes gasoline and derives another $25 billion from
>it.  The five largest and most profitable corporations on the planet are all
>oil companies and EACH of them generate more annual revenues than 90% of the
>COUNTRIES in the world.  The entire middle east is economically ENTIRELY
>based on oil production.
> On OUR team we have a few hundred guys with a mad on willing to part with
>the ducats to put LiFePo4 cells in a car and thus gain a vehicle for
>themselves, some independence from the problem, and the ability to show
>others how to do the same.  They do all this in sheds and garages with hand
>tools. Virtually none of them have sufficient capital to start a hot dog
>stand.  It's all gesture.  And a single car.
> So how come I feel like we have the larger team surrounded?
> Because we do.  Everytime they show their car, we add another couple of
>hundred.  At some point it will be 10,000, then 100,000, then a million.  At
>that point, it will start to grow.  Addictive and contagious.
> But in doing EVTV, I get a chance to talk to a LOT of people who are
>intensely passionate about electric cars.  They are so passionate, that they
>devote multiple tens of thousands of hard earned ducats to build their own,
>none really being otherwise available for sale.  This is like an ARMY of
>those scout ants and they are IMPASSIONED about it.  They REALLY want it.  I
>have seen that fire in the eye before - the early Internauts.  And I have
>seen it play out.
> If you do not fear it, you are simply unaware - a non sentient.  Be afraid.
>Be very afraid.  When tens of thousands of people worldwide all begin
>swirling around one dream, with that LEVEL of intense of passion, you have
>already loosed the hounds of hell.    It is a force that cannot be resisted
>and its growth feeds on itself.  The religion spreads.  It is both addictive
>and contagious.  And ultimately large corporations and governments, NEVER a
>source of innovation and change, are totally helpless to stop it.  AFTER
>adoption, they can only scramble around to rewrite history to show that
>indeed THEY INVENTED IT.  Which is why the misunderstanding of how change
> In order to transition from defending the status quo, to defending a NEW
>status quo, you HAVE to have invented the new status quo.  And so our work
>is not done, until they wrest history away from us, and indeed present it as
>an accomplishment of corporations and governments.  Only when we are
>conveniently marginalized and forgotten  do we win completely.   Nature of
>the beast.
> Of course, by then, most of us, being natural scout ants, are on to the
>next big change thing.
> And that's pretty much where I've lived my life - with nearly unerring
>accuracy.  You can pretty much bet electric vehicles are the next big thing
>because Jack Rickard showed up to pray over it.  I didn't event it.  And I'm
>not going to do it.  I'm just here to pray over it and tell everybody about
>it.  I claim no authorship of any of it nor the Internet.  I'm just really
>good at showing up at the right time at the next big thing.  Once it's not
>NEXT, I move on.
> In a strange way, so is Chris Paine.  Among ALL The people I talk to about
>electric cars, I always ask what interested them first in this.  Of course,
>the very few old hands all have interesting stories about that.  But among
>the vast majority, and I would say 80% of everyone I talk to, they ALL
>mention the 2006 film <b>Who Killed the Electric Car<i></i></b>.  It is
>almost bizarre.  I would rate this film, as THE most influential documentary
>ever made and THE major influence among our viewers to initiate their
>interest in electric vehicles.
> Since announcing EVCONN (was it three weeks ago????) we've already received
>37 paid registrations and 12 people bringing cars.  I know that doesn't seem
>like many. But  I've done a lot of trade show conventions actually.  We ran
>BBSCON/ISPCON from 1992 through 1998 twice a year. It went from 100 guys to
>6000 all paying $695 and in the end featured 225 educational sessions in
>three days.  (No, that's not a typo).  But I've never really seen a takeoff
>on a new show like this.  I know it seems like few at the moment, but as I
>say, I've done this before.  We have more registered NOW than I planned to
>have at the event at all.  And it is scheduled for SIX full months away.  If
>I had to guess, at the moment I would say 750 attendees and 40 cars.  And I
>may have underestimated THAT.  It appears the desire for a show of THEIR OWN
>about CONVERTING cars was kind of a pregnant idea - thank you Eric Kriss.
> I'm embarassed it wasn't my idea.
> So we're not going to have an electric car show or convention.  We're going
>to have one very specifically about CONVERTING YOUR OWN CAR to electric
>drive.  That's to be the focus and entire subject.  It is not going to be an
>OEM show or a feel good show.  Hard info on how to and why to - by the
>people who do and know how to do.   Not the sheeples who want to buy one or
>think they are cool.  The guys who will go to their own garage and build
>their own goddamn car, -  lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
> But it is incumbent on me to make it the best convention I can.  ANd in
>considering the topic of headline speakers, I keep coming back to Chris
>Paine and "*Who Killed the Electric Car*".
> This morning i signed a contract engaging Mr. Paine to come address the
>attendees of the first Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention EVCONN.  On
>Thursday evening, September 22nd, we intend to hold a catered barbecue and
>beer event at 7:00 PM in my backyard overlooking the Mississippi river, with
>perhaps a tasting for a few from the illicit distillery in the garage
>(medicinal purposes) and a bonfire.  I will introduce Mr. Paine as the
>Keynote speaker for EVCONN and he will stand and deliver an emotionally
>charged speech of such inspirational nature you will never have heretofor
> Kewl, eh?
> And besides -  I think you'll actually like Stag beer.  More to come.
> Jack Rickard
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> Sed ut persp iciatis unde omnis natus doloremque.
>   [image: Shadow]
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