On 1/13/2014 11:28 AM, D. Ryan Spott wrote:
> For those of you that own towers or just know... What do HAM operators
> usually get charged for colocation?
No personal experience doing this, but as an old ham, I would be 
surprised if many hams paid anything!  One of the core skills of hamdom 
is talking your way onto the towers you need. ;-)  Or finding free 
sites.  Note that ham radio is prohibited from doing anything 
commercial, no revenue allowed at all.  (Ordering a pizza via autopatch 
was very controversial until the FCC clarified it. Of course cell phones 
made autopatches a lot less interesting.)  And it does provide public 
safety.  So ham repeaters often got free access. But tend not to go onto 
the big CMRS towers.

Not that I've had all that much contact with ham repeater owners outside 
of this area in the years since I edited the 1976 World Atlas of Repeaters.

  Fred R. Goldstein      k1io     fred "at" interisle.net
  Interisle Consulting Group
  +1 617 795 2701

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