If you have pushed to gerrit from your master (that is correct, but not the
best option), you didn't do anything wrong. Gerrit uses a cherry-pick
strategy when we promote a commit, that means that developer's commit
histories don't play any role.
What git is telling you is that you and master have diverged, and you have
to update.

Running git push --rebase does

1) fetch data from remote
2) stash your local commits
3) apply new commits from remote to your local copy
4) replay your stashed history: if a commit you have has already been
merged, it won't be done again

Then, I suppose you will be perfectly fine after it. If, after pull, git
doesn't say you're up-to-date, it means that not merged commits still live
in your master.

As others have suggested: use branches in the future. It works better with
gerrit's cherry-pick model. If your master reflects origin/master you more
easily track the actual master repo.

Hope it helps.

On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 11:23 PM, e-mail graham.shanks via Wireshark-dev <
wireshark-dev@wireshark.org> wrote:

> After submitting some changes to git review and getting them accepted I
> get the following message when I do a git status:
> C:\Development\wireshark>git status
> On branch master
> Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits.
> (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
> A search on this message suggests that I need to do a git pull --rebase,
> but the documentation suggests that this will synchronise with the remote
> repository (which is what I want to do) but then try to apply the commits
> (which I don't want to do, I think). The git documentation on rebase
> doesn't seem to cover what I think the wireshark repository is doing.
> Is git pull --rebase the correct thing to do? Also did I do something
> wrong to get into this state?
> Regards
> Graham
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