I've been running Tango 2000 on Mac OS9/WebStar 4.5 here for years with the
occasional hiccup.

But right now I'm having a hell of a time.

The server will stop seeing datasources. I can restart it and it will be
fine for a few minutes then forget them again.

Usually I just replace the WebStar application, settings and Tango plugin
with fresh versions (I keep them in a folder on the desktop) and all is fine
for a good long time.

It's not working this time.

Anybody from the old school familiar with this problem? Anyone got a

And please no "Upgrade the WT5". I've got a WT5 license but that's a whole
'nother kettle o' fish.

Wayne Irvine

                  Byte Services Pty Ltd
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ph 02 9960 6099   Mob 0409 960 609   Fax 02 9960 6088

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