Hmm, haven't seen that before.  I've been using 2000+ for all my error codes.  
Should probably get 
round to fixing that some day, then.


Stefan Pavlik wrote:
> I know that the code below is just an example but to be precise:
> MSDN: Error Table
> The range from 25000 to 30000 is reserved for errors from custom
> actions. Authors of custom actions may use this range for their
> custom actions.
> Regards
> Stefan
> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>> Yuo could create custom errors like this:
>> <Error Id="2000">This is my error message</Error>
>> and create a custom action to trigger it like this:
>> <CustomAction Id="MyError" Error="2000" />
>> You can call this in the InstallExecuteSequence like this:
>> <Custom Action="MyError">NOT WANTED_CONDITION </Custom>
>> The additional problem is how do you stop them triggering if the UI ran?
>> You can create another CA like this:
>> <CustomAction Id="setUI_RAN" Property="UI_RAN" Value="1" />
>> and schedule it at some point in the InstallUISequence (as long as it's 
>> before ExecuteAction). 
>> There's no need to declare the UI_RAN property; it will be created when the 
>> CA is run.  The 
>> condition on your CA would then be something like:
>> <Custom Action="MyError">NOT WANTED_CONDITION AND NOT UI_RAN</Custom>
>> Rob
>> Mailinglist wrote:
>>> Hi WiX-Users,
>>> in our Setup we use a personalized GUI, that checks in its first dialog 
>>> several conditions and shows messages, if one condition fails. Most of 
>>> this conditions handle previously needed software, like “MMC 3.0” and 
>>> “Powershell 1.0”.
>>> This just works fine for us, but if the install is done with “/quiet” 
>>> parameter, those checks won’t ever be run, since the dialog is not 
>>> initialized anyway. So I tried of checking those conditions in the 
>>> product itself, which works, but even while install with gui the 
>>> messages pop up from the msi and not in our gui. How can I trigger the 
>>> conditions to only be checked if the installation is done in quiet mode?
>>> Snippet of the project itself:
>>>             <!-- Launch conditions -->
>>>             <Condition Message='You have to be a local administrator to 
>>> install $(var.AppName).'>
>>>                   Privileged
>>>             </Condition>
>>>             <Condition Message="Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 or 
>>> later is required.">
>>>                   <![CDATA[VersionNT >= 501]]>
>>>             </Condition>
>>>             <Condition Message='This setup requires the .NET Framework 
>>> 2.0 or higher.'>
>>>                   <![CDATA[MsiNetAssemblySupport >= "2.0.50727"]]>
>>>             </Condition>
>>>             <Condition Message="Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 
>>> Express have to be present for this version to be installed.">
>>>                   <![CDATA[ NOT(VERSIONFULLSQL) AND 
>>>             </Condition>
>>>             <Condition Message='This setup requires the Microsoft 
>>> Management Console 3.0 or higher.'>
>>>                   <![CDATA[NOT(MMC3) AND NOT(VersionNT >= 600)]]>
>>>             </Condition>
>>>             <Condition Message='This setup requires the Microsoft 
>>> Powershell v1.0 or higher.'>
>>>                   <![CDATA[NOT (POWERSHELL)]]>
>>>             </Condition>
>>> Snippet of the GUI with its conditions:
>>> <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" 
>>> Height="17" Default="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUINext)">
>>>                   <Publish Event="NewDialog" 
>>> Value="[WixUI_WelcomeDlg_Next]">1</Publish>
>>>                   <Condition Action="disable">
>>>                         <![CDATA[ ((VersionNT < 502) OR (VersionNT = 502 
>>> AND NOT(ServicePackLevel >= 1))) ]]>
>>>                   </Condition>
>>>                   <Condition Action="disable">
>>>                         <![CDATA[ NOT(VERSIONFULLSQL) AND 
>>>                   </Condition>
>>>                   <Condition Action="disable">
>>>                         <![CDATA[NOT(MMC3) AND NOT(VersionNT >= 600) ]]>
>>>                   </Condition>
>>>                   <Condition Action="disable">
>>>                         <![CDATA[NOT POWERSHELL]]>
>>>                   </Condition>
>>>                   <Condition Action="enable">
>>>                         <![CDATA[ ALLOWSERVER
>>> AND (MMC3 OR (VersionNT >= 600))
>>> AND NOT((VersionNT < 502) OR (VersionNT = 502 AND NOT(ServicePackLevel 
>>>  >= 1)))
>>> ]]>
>>>                   </Condition>
>>>                   <Publish Property="IDIR" 
>>> Value="[NEWINSTALLDIR]Aldi-Ews\">MSSERVER</Publish>
>>>                   <Publish Property="WixUI_InstallMode" 
>>> Value="InstallComplete"></Publish>
>>>             </Control>
>>> Any hints welcome.
>>> */Oliver Friedrich/*
>>> /Consultant - Software Solutions/
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