That's was it.   I had had one test build of my patch where it tested it doing 
a v1.0 to v1.1 minor upgrade where the v1.1 wix had introduced a ServiceControl 
entry.   I used hyper-v snapshot to roll back to prior that msp patch minor 
upgrade test pass and removed the v1.1 wix that had introduced a ServiceControl 
entry and I was back to a scenario where my msp patch minor upgrade tests were 
able to be removed.

All the recent noise from me on the forum to do with msp patch minor upgrade 
and msi minor upgrade options is the result of our teams first release case 
where we needed to do a v1.0 to v1.1 service deliverable deployment.   We 
wanted to use the wix msi supported minor upgrade solution, versus a v1.0 
uninstall followed by v1.1 install, so we could retain website, vdirs, window 
services and database setups & state deployed by the initial v1.0 release.  I 
don't think I'm still 100% sure on all the knobs one has at their disposal to 
control everything during small update msp patch, minor upgrade msp patch or 
msi and major upgrade msi processing.   I did try and use the new wix3 sources 
and torch/pyro utilities for patch generation but ran into issues with the pyro 
compile stage and so due to time crunch stuck with the old msimsp sources and 
utility approach for getting the msp built which was working.   Overall our 
team is very impressed and happy about the magic that gets done w
 ith only a little bit of patch wix sources work and msi minor upgrade source 

There are still many subtle things going on that I really am not 100% sure on, 
for example after rereading the doc pointers provided several times it seems 
- msi <Upgrade/UpgradeVersion sources and FindRelatedProducts only execute 
during Major Upgrade processing where ones Product Id would have changed...i 
kept thinking this was buying me something for msi minor upgrade processing
- RemoveExistingProducts needs to be explicitly included in the 
installexecutesequence, versus getting added automatically if msi 
<Upgrade/UpgradeVersion sources are present and only execute during Major 
Upgrade processing where ones Product Id would have changed
- msi v1.0 -> minor upgrade processing just works if all that is 
involves is binary file updates w/o doing anything other than incrementing 
<Product Version="" /> minor value setting
- the QFEUpdate=2 [ or PATCH ] property setting depicts msp small update and 
minor upgrade processing and QFEUpdate=1 property setting depicts a msi minor 
upgrade processing and UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE property setting depicts msi major 
upgrade processing and MSIPATCHREMOVE depicts msp small update or minor upgrade 
removal processing
- the above property settings can be use to have the msp required REINSTALL=ALL 
and REINSTALLMODE=omus and msi upgrade processing required REINSTALL=ALL and 
REINSTALLMODE=vomus property settings automatically set using customactions 
versus having to resort to a setup.exe or script wrapper for launching msp & 
msi enabled with update/upgrade behaviors
- component files that get modified by <util:XmlFile settings will not get 
updated by msp small update or minor upgrade processing unless you include a 
behavior that deletes the file up front during msp small update or minor 
upgrade processing...conversly when that msp is removed you'll end up with the 
prior release copy of that file w/o the <util:XmlFile applied settings.   
Haven't figured out yet how to have that step rerun when the msp is removed
- and more that I probably don't even know I should know about yet

Once we get our current service deliverable shipped I would like to put 
together a one pager "new user" overview of the small update, minor upgrade and 
major upgrade wix provided services as a knowledge share exercise for others in 
my org to leverage in there msp & msi authoring activities.  When I do that I 
can share it with the internal pros who can decide whether or not it would be 
worth putting in one of their blogs.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony Juricic
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 4:14 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] some final points for clarification on the wholev1.0 
to v1.1 msp patch upgrade [ or a v1.0 to v1.1 msi upgrade ]process

Some patches are un-installable:

I'm offering to pay and ship few cases of beer and hamburger patties so
that you guys at Microsoft can meet somewhere at campus, relax, hammer
this out and explain all of it (I mean patching business) to the rest of
us in some blog post.

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