Hm interesting point. The term CD I hear for the first time. When I
understand it correctly this means to deploy to the customers as
frequent as possible.

Back to CI: Imho here the whole company (team) testing strategy should
be taken into account. One aspect of CI are short builds and some unit
tests to give fast feedback after check in.

But CI also means e.g. nightly builds where definitely Installation
should be considered. Here also some testing might be possible like
pushing the installation on virtual machines and run UI tests based on
the complete system. Also possible mixed strategies where e.g. every
10th check in scedules a complete build with test runs of the
installed applications on VMs.

Additionally WiX offers a great way to involve developers into
installation development. So they are able to maintain the
installation (or at least do common tasks) which helps for agile
development as they gain better understanding of installers. based on
this understanding it is easier to keep the installations up to

Back to Windows Installer packages. Installation also should act like
in real world. For servicing installations I consider major upgrades
as best strategy with fewest possible erors. If that can be archived
with few effort in your CI I'd recommend that with major upgrade of
all previous installers.


2011/4/12 Christopher Painter <>:
> I think I've seen some suggest that CI shouldn't include deployment as 
> there's also another term out there called Continous Deployment... different 
> book :-)
> Some in the CI camp say the CI build must be really fast and light weight.  
> Unit tests only, nothing to do with integration/deployment and it should be 
> done in less then 10 minutes, the faster the better.
> I'd say that whatever we call this thing,  when it comes to doing CI/CD for 
> your installers,  whatever servicing strategy you plan on doing in production 
> you should do in dev/test to get max test coverage of your deployment 
> solution.   Prototype it out and see if the performance is acceptable or if 
> you have pain that's not tolerable.
> ---
> Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
> Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves 
> attention? E-Mail Me
> From: Nick Porter <>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix installers and Continuous Integration
> I have developed Wix installers in the past using the minor upgrade
> route but have recently changed to major upgrades to allow for easy
> double click upgrades. A couple reasons we wanted to do this was:
>   1) Preserve existing configuration files
>   2) Preserve login and recovery options for our Windows Services
> My question is for those that have moved to Continuous Integration.
> With that model in place is it best to do a complete uninstall then
> install as if it's a fresh without preserving any configuration
> settings or can the upgrade model work along side the Continuous
> Integration model? If using an upgrade model is still a good idea then
> is a Major Upgrade preferred to the Minor Upgrade? As of this time we
> are planning on using Go for our CI tool. Thanks for your help!
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