On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Jeff McCune <j...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Christopher Painter <chr...@iswix.com> wrote:
>> If you are really serious about simplying setup and making it bulletproof
>> you should push back at your application developers and challenge why they
>> need the hostname to be lower cased.  The code that reads the XML should to
>> it's own .ToLower() if it's that important to them.
> I am one of the application developers...
> /me goes off to push back on myself.  =)
> Seriously though, we store the x.509 certificate as a file so we need
> to play nicely with case-insensitive filesystems.  While
> www.metamachine.net and WWW.METAMACHINE.NET are the same hostname we
> don't want to store two different files on unix filesystems if the end
> user is inconsistent with their case.
> From a "time is money" point of view, it's a lot cheaper for me to
> downcase the default (suggested) value in the installation process
> than it is to change the behavior of many subsystems of the
> application.

This is actually inaccurate, what I'd actually like to do is munge the
user supplied value, or the default value (ComputerName) before
writing it into the configuration file.

I actually did just patch the application to force the setting to be
lower case, but this presents an interesting incongruity between the
clearly expressed desire of the end user and the behavior of the

I'm trying to avoid the situation where the user says "I want XYZ" and
the app says "I'm assuming you're implying xyz."

At installation time I can clearly communicate with the user and say
"I know you said you want XYZ but I'm going to change that right now
to be xyz.  Bail out now if you don't like me interpreting your
desires for you."

Yes, it's minor but I view it as a UX thing.

Jeff McCune

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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