It probes like this:

Root of BA\ + GetUserDefaultUILanguage()
Root of BA\ + GetSystemDefaultUILanguage()
Root of BA\

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Harald Dersch <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I created a bootstrapper with WiX that includes four different
> localizations (English, German, French, and Dutch).
> But I actually wonder, how the bootstrapper detects and determine the
> language to display the UI. When the bootstrapper runs on an English OS,
> it's in English. When run on a German OS, it's in German. However, it seems
> that it totally ignores all system regional settings, i.e. if I run it on
> an English OS, it's in English, no matter what I set in the system
> settings. Other that using -lang (which works for all four localizations),
> I do not get another language than the original OS one.
> Is this a bug? Is this behavior by design? It there any option/setting to
> influence this? Do I have to adapt WiX source code for this?
> Thanks for any insights on this.
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