I feel your pain. Over the years I have used lots of install technologies, 
installShield (script and windows installer), wise (script and windows 
installer), inno setup, plain batch files, custom exes, NSIS etc, etc. The only 
one that has provided me with a 100% reliable installation is windows installer 
- WIX is just a method for creating Windows Installer files. I would agree that 
it is not the simplest tools to learn but that is because installing on Windows 
is not simple, you could argue that is the problem. Inno is really good, I have 
got reasonable results very quickly but there are issues. Your choice is script 
based installer (Inno etc) vs a database of installation tasks (Windows 

For me the reason for using WiX to create Windows Installer files are: text 
source (good for version control), easy integration to build tools, no 
licencing issues (a lot of companies don't get build servers), and Microsoft 
recommend it and use it. Downside, a lot to learn but a lot of that is a 
Windows Installer issue not WiX.

At the end of the day it is your choice but if you ask the question here I 
suspect most people would recommend WiX (mind you it is like trying to find a 
vegan in McDonalds!). If you can invest the time you will get a better install 
experience with Windows Installer but you have to be prepared to invest that 
time, far too many developers/PMs believe installers are just a trivial bit at 
the end - as Rob's tag line says "because setup isn't just xcopy". This is bit 
trite but if I ruled the development teams I would write the install first and 
then do the boring application development bit :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine Moss [mailto:katherine.m...@gordon.edu] 
Sent: 04 October 2012 20:43
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Subject: [WiX-users] I have heard that MSI is too complicated from a 
programmer's prospective

Hi guys,
Since I am just learning to be a .NET C# programmer, can somebody shed light on 
why using WiX over something like Inno would be more complicated and why 
programmers are often less compelled to use WiX?  I'm asking this because my 
friend has got a project he's working on where the main programmer is insistent 
on using Inno instead of WiX.  It's bothering me because if my friend wants his 
product to be more administrator-friendly and compatible with group policy, 
doesn't he need to be using MSI technologies?  I mean, he wants that 
administrative/ease-of-deployment across multiple servers/workstations edge, 
but is he going to get it using Inno?  And if not, then what can I say to these 
people to help dispel the supposed "complications" of Windows Installer?  
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