Hi everybody,
May be someone of you could give me a hint how can I correctly use the new 
feature to install a vsix package (Visual studio package), for Visual Studio 
2012, using http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/vs_xsd_vsixpackage.htm I 
Have installed wix Toolset v3.7.1001.0 and I added following to my Product.wxs: 
<ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponent" Directory="INSTALLVSIX">        
<Component Id="VSPkgTFSTEK"  Guid="66C88AED-2C7E-4A0E-B257-A6BD4A709F71">       
   <File Id="VSPkgTFSTEK.vsix" Source="MyPath\VSPkgTFSTEK.vsix">            
<vs:VsixPackage PackageId="caecbd03-bbe1-4118-815e-371e826ed06c"  />          
</File>        </Component>      </ComponentGroup> Where PackageId is the 
product ID of my Package as in my package manifest. My manifest looks so: 
<PackageManifest Version="2.0.0" 
<Metadata>    <Identity Language="en-US" Publisher="ezien" 
Id="caecbd03-bbe1-4118-815e-371e826ed06c" Version="" />    
<DisplayName>TFS Extensions Kit TEK workitem</DisplayName>    
<Description>Extend WorkItem Tracking functionality in Team 
<License>EULA_TEK.rtf</License>    <Icon>Resources\ico24.png</Icon>    
<PreviewImage>banner_instalacion.png</PreviewImage>  </Metadata>  
<Installation>…… But when I run the created msi this message face allways up: 
(see picture)Do you know what I'm doing wrong? may be you have an example how 
can I use this new featureI would appreciate your help, Best RegardsJorge       
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