I think the OP is talking about all binaries, period. It's an aside I
guess, but signtool is for certificate signing and sn.exe is for strong
naming of assemblies - I have no idea why "strong naming" turned into
"signing" because they are rather different. Strong named assemblies can
reference only other strong named assemblies - this is not a certificate
signing restriction. So he wants to run signtool.exe on all binaries to get
them certificate signed, whether they are strongly named assemblies or not.

Phil Wilson

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Bruce Cran <br...@cran.org.uk> wrote:

> On 12/18/2013 1:21 PM, John Cooper wrote:
> > If you're signing more than a dozen or so files in one pass, you've got
> bigger problems.  :)  Besides which, like many build-related tasks, signing
> is an activity best done in the same project generating the binary.
> +1. Unless you're talking about signing custom action DLLs, then signing
> is best done before the packaging/installer task.
> --
> Bruce
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