On 12/20/2013 01:16 PM, Edwin Castro wrote:
> On 12/20/13, 9:49 AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>> It's not a Windows program.  It's a CUI program that you launch from cmd.exe
> Which you can still more easily start directly. If you insist in
> wrapping the call with cmd.exe then you MUST adhere to cmd.exe's funky
> quotation rules.
> Do it the easy way and remove cmd.exe from your invocation.
> It looks like you don't have command line arguments for myprogram.exe...
> Assuming the File/@Id for myprogram.exe is myprogram.exe, I would try
> <CustomAction Id="Launch_myprogram.exe"
>               FileKey="myprogram.exe"
>               ExeCommand=""
>               Execute="deferred"
>               Return="asyncWait"/>
> Or to run myprogram.exe without showing the Command Prompt window...
> <SetProperty Id="Launch_myprogram.exe"
>              Before="Launch_myprogram.exe"
>              Sequence="execute"
>              Value="&quot;[#myprogram.exe]&quot;"/>
> <CustomAction Id="Launch_myprogram.exe"
>               BinaryKey="CAQuietExec"
>               Execute="deferred"
>               Return="asyncWait"/>

I not certain this will work.  It might with something like a .bat file since 
the system knows that .bat files are
executed by cmd.exe.

But what is there to tell the system that my exe requires being run by cmd.exe?

> --
> Edwin
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