Hi everyone,

Been developing wix installers for over a year now, and thanks to my
Googling skill and the archive of this mailing list, I've been able to
solve most of my problems. So thanks for that!

But I have a need now to use the Restart Manager to kill explorer during
install of a product. I have gotten it to the point where it mostly works
fine. Using the GUI as normal user and Admin user successfully restarts
explorer. Running a silent install (/qn) without elevation as Admin also
restarts explorer correctly. But running a silent install as a normal user
(without install privileges) via an elevated command prompt does not
successfully restart explorer. It does stop it, but explorer never starts
back up.

Installer logs report no issue - in fact, the installer logs report that
all services were successfully restarted.

Only in the event logs is the below message reported:

Application 'C:\Windows\explorer.exe' (pid 2964) cannot be restarted -
Application SID does not match Conductor SID..

Now I think I understand the root issue here, and it is explained away in this
A user's session cannot be started by another user, for obvious security
reasons. However, there doesn't seem to be much of a solution there, other
than maybe to not use Restart Manager at all.

This seems pretty basic to me. A working SCCM install of this product is
just as important (if not more so) than a normal GUI install. But if this
is a known issue, no SCCM install requiring Restart Manager would ever work
(I'm assuming explorer is not the culprit here). This leads me to believe I
am missing something. Has anyone else come across this issue, and if so,
how did you solve it?

Thanks for any help,
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