Hi All,

I have created a bootstrapper which support different languages during 
installation. So I have added the language files from bundle as mentioned below

    <PayloadGroup Id="Localization">
      <Payload Name="Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.de" 
SourceFile="..\..\Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.de" Compressed="no" />
      <Payload Name="Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.en-US" 
SourceFile="..\..\Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.en-US" Compressed="no" />
      <Payload Name="Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.it" 
SourceFile="..\..\Localization\LGG\CustomBA\CustomBA.it" Compressed="no" />

But my problem is that while clicking on the uninstall button from the ARP( 
Programs and Features), the Bootstrapper opens but localization doesn't work, I 
guess it because the language files are not cached.

Is there any way in which we can get these files cached so that localization 
works or some other way.

Note: Localization works fine when the Bootstrapper is opened from Setup.exe 
directly. Also I don't want to put the localization files in 
BootstrapperApplicationRef (Payload).

Thanks & Regards,

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