Michael Shigorin <m...@altlinux.org> writes:

>       Hello Bjørn,
>> Removing WMFullscreenLevel had the side effect that a dock or panel
>> having the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK type would stack on top of
>> fullscreen windows, obscuring part of them.  This is unwanted. No
>> other window should cover a focused fullscreen window:.
>> https://specifications.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/latest/ar01s09.html#STACKINGORDER
>> Simply raising the fullscreen window to the top of the stack of normal
>> windows is not sufficient if there are windows with higher stacking
>> levels present.  The separate WMFullscreenLevel is needed.
> Well 0.95.8 broke my *very* convenient use case of having a
> fullscreen xterm with mail/build/whatever and a casual another
> non-fullscreen one on top of it, or switching between two
> fullscreen windows (yeah, those inventive users!).
> I'd be grateful for an "advanced" knob making possible to ignore
> this lame bit of the spec -- had to revert both g5561199 and
> g6429847 in the mean time: having to Alt-Tab twice to get to a
> newly created window (which isn't obvious at all in some cases
> like ssh-askpass one) is a showstopper, g5561199 doesn't fully
> help it.
> Thank you for the work from someone who got onto WM back in 1999
> or so, and who got back to it from Enlightenment (this particular
> use case being one of *significant* advantages to me; there are
> other pros and cons for both of these highly usable WMs of course).

Ouch.  Sorry about that.

I believe it should be possible to support the "newly created window"
usecase by giving such windows focus, similar to what Alt-Tab now does.

As for switching between two fullscreen windows, I don't see how that is
possible. Only one fullscreen window can be visible on the screen at any

But I believe I see your use case, having windows which magigally turn
into full screen if brought to top (or into focus?).  I guess that might
be possible too.

Haven't looked at how easy this would be to implement. I don't think the
solution is less stacking levels in any case.  Sounds more like we need
more of them, if anything.


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