On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:24:33AM +0100, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Ouch.  Sorry about that.

Well I'm fine with those two commits reverted at the moment :)

> I believe it should be possible to support the "newly created
> window" usecase by giving such windows focus, similar to what
> Alt-Tab now does.

This looks reasonable for me in other contexts too (IIRC one of
E17's benefits was slightly better handling of focus for both
new windows and when losing it after window close or desktop
switch: it would at least switch to some window if there's one).

> As for switching between two fullscreen windows, I don't see
> how that is possible. Only one fullscreen window can be visible
> on the screen at any time.

Yeah, but writing a reply mail and quickly switching to another
xterm with e.g. diff sitting right under mutt's xterm is nice :)

For some context: I mostly use 13" fullhd laptop where Alt-Tab
and Alt-[1-4] are almost equivalent in terms of finger travel
distances with [5-7] sitting further -- but Alt-Tab needs less
positioning so to say.

> But I believe I see your use case, having windows which
> magigally turn into full screen if brought to top
> (or into focus?).  I guess that might be possible too.

My point was rather with "giving focus" that "making fullscreen",
a new window immediately receiving focus might be a solution --
still if I:
- get a fullscreen xterm;
- press a hotkey to get another one later;
- get another xterm (80x24, focused) abover that fullscreen one;
- move the mouse pointer a bit over towards 2nd xterm,
I'm rather getting the 1st xterm focused *and* raised immediately
with current behaviour, no?  This would mean some hassle to get
that second window up again to do anything with it.

I can probably do a screencast of what I tend to do if it helps.

> Haven't looked at how easy this would be to implement.
> I don't think the solution is less stacking levels in any case.
> Sounds more like we need more of them, if anything.

Well the ssh-askpass case looks like that, having an invisible
modal window (without even realizing it) is not really fun.

Thank you for the reply as well ;-)

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