Jack Montana <matic...@hotmail.com> escribió:

Hi all

I have an external monitor placed above my laptop monitor. At start-up WM puts VGA at right of LVDS by default.
So any time I log-in I issue the following:

$ xrandr --output VGA1 --above LVDS1

Once monitors are correctly aligned I then need to issue a "Restart Window Maker" from menu to make background correctly displayed and dockapps correctly aligned. Who can I automatize this?

Is there a way to tell WM to start with VGA above LVDS? Putting the command in the autostart file still requires me to manually issue the "Restart Window Maker" command. So, otherwise, is there a way to call internal command "Restart Window Maker" from script?

Thank you

Hi Jack,

try to include this in .xinitrc:

xrandr --output VGA1 --above LVDS1

Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

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