On Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 10:09:07 +0200, Jack Montana wrote:
> Hi all
> I have an external monitor placed above my laptop monitor. At start-up
> WM puts VGA at right of LVDS by default. So any time I log-in I issue
> the following:
> $ xrandr --output VGA1 --above LVDS1
> Once monitors are correctly aligned I then need to issue a "Restart
> Window Maker" from menu to make background correctly displayed and
> dockapps correctly aligned. Who can I automatize this?
> Is there a way to tell WM to start with VGA above LVDS? Putting the
> command in the autostart file still requires me to manually issue the
> "Restart Window Maker" command. So, otherwise, is there a way to call
> internal command "Restart Window Maker" from script?

If you compile wmaker with --enable-randr then wmaker automatically
restarts whenever it detects changes induced by xrandr. I use it
all the time, but it is an ugly hack which I am not proud of.

Note that some people had problems with infinite loops of
wmaker restarts, so --enable-randr is not compiled by most

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