On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 11:20:54PM -0800, Michelle Kountz wrote:
> Hello!
> I love windowmaker, but I have just one problem with it.There are certain
> programs- pcmanfm, vlc, iceweasel, and deadbeef,  that I like open to a 
> certain
> size and place on my screen. Depending on the file, these open to any shape 
> and
> size imaginable, and resizing them constantly is annoying. I was told xwininfo
> would give me information on my windows, which can be used to place the
> programs where I want. I just can't seem to figure out what files to change to
> accomplish this.     

Hello Michelle,

I run windowmaker, Debian Jessie, and startx.
I pre-position/size programs iceweasel, vlc, and mlterm on my screen.
The following works for me:

1. Size and place your programs on your screen manually one time.
  (For iceweasel, it helps to set start page to blank page.)
2. On window menu click "Exit" (not "Exit session:).
3. On Exit window, check "Save workspace state" and
   then click "Exit".
4. Then restart X by entering "startx" on the console.
   Windowmaker starts on the same workspace you used in 2. above.
   The windows for the programs are as in 1. above.
Startx runs my ~/.initrc which is the one word  wmaker

I hope this helps you,

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