On 8/22/06, Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the traditional "workspace" mind set, I would pick two workspaces
(say 3 and 4), one for situation A and one for situation B.  In both of
them, I'd put the windows I want in the layout I want.  And then I would
switch back and forth between them using some keybindings (MOD-3 and
MOD-4, say).

But I guess that, with wmii, I'm supposed to create a tag "editing the
foo project", I guess, and perhaps another tag "running the foo
project".  Both tags are created on demand, only during the week or so
I'm working on this.  But how to switch between the views?  Surely not
by entering their names -- that would be too inconvenient for an
operation I do so often.

You could click on their tags... Everything else depends on your
wmiirc. You might use hotkeys for moving left and right through the
tag bar, hotkeys for going to the Nth tag, or hotkeys for going to the
first tag starting with a particular letter. You're really only
limited by your creativity here, and I believe that all of these are
available in the snippets section of the wmii site (under misc).



Tom Lieber

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