Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> On 8/22/06, Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> [...] But how to switch between the views? [...]
> This answers my concrete question, but I was more hoping along the lines
> of: "No, that's the wrong way to do it, you got to do it like this!" 
> And then followed by some imaginative use of the wmii concepts that I
> haven't thought of yet.
> Elsewhere, you say that I'm limited only by my imagination.  This means
> I'm very limited ;-)  Please help me imagine more.

Hi Kai,

this is far from being a real answer to your problem but it might give
you an idea of what is possible.  This is a short snippet of my[1] wmiirc
(well, a little lie: it is a short snippet of one of the plugin-files
read by my[2] wmiirc).

|   ('a'..'z').each do |key|
|     binding("letter-jump-#{key}", "MODKEY2-#{key}") do |wmii,|
|       unless wmii.curr_view[0,1] == key
|         wmii.view wmii.views_intellisort.find{|x| x[0,1] == key }
|       end
|     end
|   end

This is ruby-code, part of a big control script for the wmii found at
http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?ruby-wmii+0.3.1 .  What this specific
code-snippet does is that when I have e.g. the tags »video«, »web« and
»editor« I just press MODKEY2-v to jump to video, MODKEY2-w to jump to
web and MODKEY2-e to jump to editor.

This short snippet is of course totally useless for you, as it uses
functions defined elsewhere in the script (e.g. views_intellisort).  But
if you look at this script, you might get some ideas of what can be done
with wmii.


[1]  »My« refers here to the fact, that it is on my hard disk, not that
I have written this.

[2]  See above.

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