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On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Mercury <> wrote:
> More!! Be sure to read the very last sentence!
> Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack
> A group of swimmers has told how a pod of dolphins protected them from
> a great white shark off New Zealand's coast.
> The lifeguards were training at a beach near Whangarei on the North
> Island when they were menaced by a 3-metre shark, before the dolphins
> raced in to help.
> The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before
> they were able to make it safely back to the beach.
> Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in
> dolphins.
> Lifeguard Rob Howes was in the water with two colleagues and his
> teenage daughter.
> It was an uncomfortable experience, as they were circled by a great
> white shark, which came within a couple of metres.
> He said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and herded the
> swimmers together. The mammals swam in tight circles to create a
> defensive barrier as the great white lurked under the surface.
> The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly
> slapped the water with their tails, presumably to try to deter the
> predator as it cruised nearby.
> The drama happened in New Zealand three weeks ago, but only now are
> the lifeguards telling their story.
> It is a day they will never forget, especially for one of the
> swimmers, who was on her first day as a volunteer.
> They have no doubt that the dolphins acted deliberately to protect
> them.
> Researchers have said they are not surprised. A marine biologist
> insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most
> intelligent mammals, "like to help the helpless".
> On Mar 27, 8:13 pm, Mercury <> wrote:
>> Dolphins save surfer from becoming shark’s bait
>> A pod of bottlenose dolphins helped protect the severely injured
>> boarder
>> Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark — a monster great white
>> that came out of nowhere — had hit him three times, peeling the skin
>> off his back and mauling his right leg to the bone.
>> That’s when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, forming a
>> protective ring around Endris, allowing him to get to shore, where
>> quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life.
>> “Truly a miracle,” Endris told TODAY’s Natalie Morales on Thursday.
>> Think again!
>> On Mar 26, 7:50 pm, silver <> wrote:
>> > At least that is what I think.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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