HRH Lee Mentley

"The joker says the civilized ones, when the chips are down will eat each 
other." Dark Knight

--- On Fri, 1/15/10, Scott Bidstrup <sc...@bidstrup. com> wrote:

From: Scott Bidstrup <sc...@bidstrup. com>

Subject: Cuba is Missing - Or Is It?


Date: Friday, January 15, 2010, 11:01 PM


Cuba is missing, alright, primarily from the list of nations to which
the Fawning Corporate Media in the United States is willing to pay

What it is not missing from, is the list of first responder nations to
the Haiti emergency.  Contrary to what Fox News has reported, it has
not only responded by sending medical help, but it was one of the first
to do so.  Cuba, hit frequently by hurricanes as it is, knows how to
deal with emergencies, and is doing so very effectively.  It was one of
the first to land medical help into the affected area, having sent 30
in addition to the 400 it already had there.

And its people have responded - I know, because I can listen (7045
Khz.) to the efforts of the ham radio operators in Cuba, providing
emergency communications into the affected area - and doing so with
more efficiency and effectiveness than anyone else, including such
experienced U.S. groups as the Salvation Army.



Cuba is Missing...From US Reports on the International Response to Haiti’s 

Dave Lindorff

http://www.smirking thread/26095

There are only two US media outlets that have reported on Cuba’s
response to the deadly 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti. One was Fox News,
which claimed, wrongly, that the Cubans were absent from the list of
neighboring Caribbean countries providing aid. The other was the
Christian Science Monitor (a respected news organization that recently
shut down its print edition), which reported correctly that Cuba had
dispatched 30 doctors to the stricken nation.

The Christian Science Monitor, in a second article, quoted Laurence
Korb, former assistant secretary of defense and now based at the Center
for American Progress, as saying that the US, which is leading the
relief efforts in Haiti, should “consider tapping the expertise of
neighboring Cuba,” which he noted, “has some of the best doctors in the
world--we should see about flying them in.”

As for the rest of the US media, they have simply ignored Cuba.

In fact, left unmentioned is the reality that Cuba already had over 400
doctors posted to Haiti to help with the day-to-day health needs of
this poorest nation in the Americas, and that those doctors were the
first to respond to the disaster, setting up a hospital right next to
the main hospital in Port-au-Prince which collapsed in the earthquake.

Far from “doing nothing” about the disaster as the right-wing
propagandists at Fox-TV were claiming, Cuba has been one of the most
effective and critical responders to the crisis, because it had set up
a medical infrastructure before the quake, which was able to mobilize
quickly and start treating the victims.

The American emergency response, predictably, has focussed primarily,
at least in terms of personnel and money, on sending the hugely costly
and inefficient US military--a fleet of aircraft and an aircraft
carrier--a factor that should be considered when examining that $100
million figure the Obama administration claims is being allocated to
emergency aid to Haiti. Considering that the cost of operating an
aircraft carrier, including crew, is roughly $2 million a day, just
sending a carrier to Port-au-Prince for two weeks accounts for a
quarter of the announced American aid effort, and while many of the
military personnel sent there will certainly be doing actual aid work,
delivering supplies and guarding supplies, many, given America’s long
history of brutal military/colonial control of Haiti, will inevitably
be spending their time ensuring continued survival and control of the
parasitic pro-US political elite in Haiti.

Otherwise, the US has basically ignored the ongoing day-to-day human
crisis in Haiti, while Cuba has been doing the yeoman work of providing
basic health care.

But that’s not a story that the American corporate media want to tell.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Lee Mentley <> wrote:



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