some notes on
(ie, some awkward methods of jocularity, or
there's a poupée-pupa in my salad..)

the scene opens on
the 'noble roman throat' just
finished speaking, the 'adamant
apple' sliding, to a deliciously
wobbly 'halting state.'

It is not easy to describe what is meant by 'scene' in
the context of the given lines. One way would be to
describe an application of the fictional hybrid,
'grande presepio-commedia dell'arte genetico,' to
another fictional hybrid, the 'dadandroidal-
theatrodioramasphere.' In other words, the stage set
would 'sculpturally' perform an analogue to the
trope of the cinematic close-up using an elaborate
colonial 'organism' whose 'life-structure' was designed
as the contents of the scene. The 'noble roman
throat,' would most likely be a synthetic colonial metazoan,
or "flesh tree," whose actual life-cyle is designed with the scene's
"narr.ative" in mind. In language/literary terms, this throat would
represent as part of a subtextual conceit, a sculptural-technical
analogue to 'high language' (and all that 'might' mean/s),
and would form one half of an intended dyad represented in
texts like G.C. Cortese's _Viaggio di Parnasso_ (1621)
in which he defends poetry written in dialect against the
Tuscan, which was a posture Goethe found somewhat
careless, lazy, and humorless, but nonetheless was consistent
with the concept of the 'precepi popolari' echoed in the
Neapolitan maschera of Pulcinella which formed part of
the 'boundary complexity' of presepi as figura straodinaria
as well as Cortese's "Viaggio."]

now the chorus of
'typhonic scribes' must
enter, carrying their
styluses like daggers,
jabbing with a vile and lovely
tironian shorthand at
the exposed throat of
which begins to bellow,
"Eat at Arcadia Egos.."

The chorus of typhonic scribes
is unself-evidently, not a chorus,
but a pair of twins, and enacts not a singing
but a writing as a form of cutting,
the principle conceit of the scene
now being revealed as a synecdoche
of the murder of Caesar, who in this case
is only a 'noble roman throat.' The
typhonic scribe is also a play on
'type-phonic,' but primarily respresents
a paradoxical convergence of the old greco
'monster hephaestus' with the freed
slave  Marcus Tullius Tiro's  shorthand
system. The greek reference also relates
to the monstrous parody of democratos
evinced by the "republicans" in enacting
such a murder, or in more fuzzy terms,
a ritual assault on "transitional fascism"
by automatons of a grotesque chimerical
hybridity of greek/roman, and democrat/republican
but as servants of a primordial vulcanism
of the accident, ie the producto-catastrophic immanence
of mixture somehow vaguely represented
by the appearance of the typhonic scribes
whose skulls are not much more than hollow
bowls full of writhing (write-thing) snakes,
and whose scalar differand in the tableaux vivant
represents a kind of objectification of their
provincial meanderthrall rancor, but also paradoxically
of a kind of exaltation of the freedom
of Zoe to "fill in" with the baroque excess
of its protean joyeuse. There is some evidence
that Caesar was stabbed at least once by a
writing stylus used to produce Tironian shorthand
to record notes during the Roman Senate.
The "Eat at Arcadia Egos" is a kind of talismanic
attempt to ward off the lo-brau (read "no-mind"
or "no-brow" alluding to a kind of rustic "barbary zen")
scribes by using one the vulgarisations of the high latin using
the letterally adapted english monster language.

finally the typhonites fall
on the quivering and adamantine
apple-womb and tear it
open cutting such illuminated
and cultured phrases in highly
truncated glyphics as "What a
pretty throat-pupa, mate.." or
"What's all this then, a lickle baby
stuck in yer craw," "Suck on these
Ides, Beotch.." As the lo-brau
Typhoni-democratic monster scribes
release the turquoise fluid of the
adamantine-apple throat-womb-apple,
a fully formed, fully hybrid, Minervan
'boon-child' emerges, an avatar of
the immortal trickster god of languaged
conflict, the Autoprogrammatic
Punchinella, whose face is a constantly
changing morphic grid of precious jewelled
buttons, hotkeys to enact spontaneous
mutation within the pleroma of semiotic
substance. The Punchinella child
leaps upon the scribes and drives his
hands into their snake-bowl skulls
as in the old maschera where pulcinella
drives his hands into two bowls of spaghetti,
and taking them up into the air he brandishes
them cruelly intoning the words of the master

"Out, idle words, servants to shallow fools!
Unprofitable sounds, weak arbitrators!"*

The curtain closes, the folds of its drapery
redolent with baroque immanence..

*(Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece, I, 1016)
The Punchinella figure represents the baroque theme
that "Language was caught in a self-defeating
predicament; it could correct itself only through its
own mechanism. Montaigne unveiled the paradox:

Our disputes are purely verbal. I ask what is "nature,"
"pleasure," "circle," "substitution." The question is one
of words, and is answered in the same way. "A stone
is a body." -"Substance."- "And what is substance?"
and so on, you would finally drive the respondent to
the end of his lexicon. We exchange one word for
another word, often more unknown. I know better
what is man than I know what is animal, or mortal,
or rational. To satisfy one doubt, they give me three;
it is the Hydra's head.

The figure of Puncinella perhaps relates to a figure
represented in the figure of Donne: "Donne pinned
his paradoxical bent of mind to puns on his own name
through self-denying prose (Donne/Ann Donne/Undone):

When thou hast done,  thou hast not done
(A Hymne to God the Father).

+ a poem




humid bacon

spread out into webs

carrying a wealth

of connotation

facts < appearances





circumstantial meaning
is the nature of transformational reality




Sir Penhead Fortunakooky of Alphabeast Haus

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