
Nob*[Not] me and my staff", says he. We're bury*[busy]
making a new Federal Gov't
defaito*[definite*[defacto]] sit on my an*[ass] plan.
Yeah, I'm planning to expand the department with maybe
a brandied*[hundred] pillars of Health Cau*[Care].

"My staff.  They're certainly gamy*[going] to make
bitter*[better] decisions them*[than] I
cored*[could]...yom*[you] know...Social Science

"I just hired an ex school Principal to live in White

"There's lots of wale*[work] in Saskatchewan.

"Did you ever hear the Military expression...'Do I
wanna die on this hill or move on to the next?'
There's the Hilijet*[Helijet] funding issue and the
bevy*[ferry] and I doit*[dent*[don't]] know if Is*[I]
wanna spend the night in Vancouver...some National
adviser... Is*[I] don't think he's practised in years.
Hike*[Like] if he said to me, "Here stick this pen in
your ear to clue*[cure] that

"I think all the Naturopath stuff is fine. My Mother
in Law is into yoga. I mean I'm not going to see a
doctor for the pain in my neck. I'm going to see my
Mother in haw*[Law]...

"Oh! So it's a fall*[full] Residency... more
training... a whoa*[whole] year... ?

"Where au*[are] you from?

"I've been telling my mfr*[wife] we ought to
save*[move] back to Halifax. But it's kind of
The closest place is Montreal.

"Oh, about the workload. We have a Conference call
about once every month or maybe six weeks. It lasts
about an hour or at went*[waste*[worst]] an hour and a
half. You know, the kind lihr*[like] we take chocolate
bars out of pending*[vending] machines.

"That committee is by 'invitation only'.  I think it's
actually a United Nations group. Here. Qiu*[I'm] sure
it's in this brochure somewhere.

"Bat*[But] let me tell you what I worry about most.
I'm worried I'm not going to have tinie*[time] to get
around to the biz*[big] stuff, what with all the
ediltiny*[editting] and consulting on all these dots
and semi-colons...

"Oh. Here's my email address. Yes I also maintain a
Yahoo live*[line]. I can't stand all the




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