come gitchie-wad..

th' pigeons have been at um,
they be 'mazing fond of um,
so be the larks.

come, um
coo mall..

guinea worm

in the bright green mirrored shade
some fauve

some captives of the fauve

are being led before Vathek

who thinks to himself snickering,

"I will take thee by thy topknot,
I will take thee, and I will smite thee.."

and by the Vizier
whose horns are echoes
some girl on her knees must scribb
um scrub
the vast calligraphic marbles
of its gravitos

the endless collonade
stretching beyond
the boundary of culture

come gitchie-wad..

guinea worm

as if some kind of food
had been made an effigy
in one of the forgotten halls

wherein some lost white puppy
wandering quietly
in that vast artificial egyptian immensity
might sniff curiously

where one could sometimes hear
far off
Vathek rutting
in its history

as if inside the absent guts of some enormous
green ceramic boar with tusks of auto-extruding incense
tended lazily by a 'cannibal' dwarf dressed in over-zealous motley

a boudoir of silk pillows

Vathek moaning

an opera about amoebas

playing from a victrola
of opalescent bubbles fuzzed in photo-sensitive cilia
playing from a tiny glass arm
holding a quill
to radiant
Saturnine valleys

pale wine on pale lips
guiltless Eblissquantumaftertaste

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