Polyester house?  I wonder if you mean Asbestokan... his studio... yes he 
founded with a half
dozen others (in the 60's)... near the firestation in Meguro.

Like I say, I'm out of touch and perhaps it closed?  His wife Akiko Motofuji 
kept it going and I
attended there MANY times.  In 1997 they had a HIjikatta film festival.. and 
showed all his/their
films over the period of a month or so. Though I cant recall the Samurai one 
you mention.... I'll
have a look at netflix and may recall... Sounds so like him.  

Thanks, Lanny.

I really was blessed to see so close and know/meet so many in that form.  

--- phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tatsuo Hijikata plays the hunchback transvestite ninja assassin psychophant 
> of blind lady
> carnival witch samurai in
> Blind Woman's Curse which should be available from netflix.. one of my all 
> time fave samurai
> movies.. hijikata plays
> the creepiest character who is also the funniest.. jumping from the ground to 
> the rooftops while
> running backwards etc..
> the polyester butoh house in tokyo only just closed down a few years ago.. i 
> think this is the
> house that hijikata 
> founded..
> the film is a hoot..
> 5 lady samurai's have a single dragon tattoo which stretches across all their 
> backs when they
> stand in line barebacked..
> your campy researcher
> lanny
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: mIEKAL aND
> Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Turbulence Commission: "html_butoh" by Ursula Endlicher
> I had a picture of Kazuo Ohno above my writing area for many years...  I seem 
> to remember that
> he started dancing/moving 
> at the age of 45.  Guess I need to find the picture & put it back up.
> On Jan 15, 2007, at 2:49 PM, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butoh
> Of course it is always evolving... changing... and it's interesting to see 
> this
> "html_performance... but I'm not sure it 
> has anything to do with "Butoh" perse...
> I personally know Yoshito Ohno, Kazuo Ohno, and really, quite a large number 
> of the original
> Butoh performance artists 
> (though Tatsuo Hijikatta was dead before I ever got to Japan in 1989... I do 
> know his widow,
> Motofuji Akiko... and 
> Oikawa Hironobu was very interested in my multi-media performances with 
> Ana... collaborating in
> a number of 
> multi-mediations). I lived ten years in Japan and studied/played/mentored 
> with them.  I think
> it's fair to say I never 
> did any "Butoh", but I certainly learned and borrowed lots of the "style".
> Namerigawa 


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