heisenberg and uncertainty came to mind the other day
when alan and phanero (think his name is lanny) 
were discussing codework 
alan mentioned medusa and lanny said the whole thing
is "sort of like nuclear technology.."- 
if medusa is a mythological parallel to the problems
of trying to look closely at or understand "art"
heisenberg seems to be a scientific parallel

> heisenberg would say
> the less you position the speeder you get the more
> you position
> the more you position the slower you get the less
> you position
> the step is the quantum, we may set plank where we
> want
> but where will be the locus of looping
> the tory that continues
> even when letters are dropped
> the main thing about a story is that it continues
> in itself and in others
> it's not an object in the sense finished
> though it has to relate
> revurrin
> that's what the srtoy tells
> the keyboard gnomes swapped the letters
> it will continue
> on the premise that it will continue
> one to tree for five sex seven at nighed then
> al-aben tolf three
> teenagers for ten fifths sister sever deeds a tea
> night into when i ..
> ojsf'ckit 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
> 36 37 38 39 40
> i think the world is for the living, or the living
> for the world
> --- whatever that means
> well and not even that
> the world is for the world and the living for the
> living
> the dead is for the dead
> --- yes this makes much sense
> sense is for sense
> --- generally x is for x
> gene-rally, x : this is the icon for chromosome
> recombinating
> grows by connect
> i'm sick and tired of this
> who understands the necessities of
> if x isn't for x then that's the beginning of
> perception
> life so to say, the cell membrane
> ok what about the cell
> you make me sick
> now sickness is somewhere
> the membrane
> swop you're on the other side
> who
> we should be very careful
> and take care
> i wonder
> care takes care of care, in that sense language
> preserve what preserve
> written into language it stays
> radioactive
> homepage
> it will half its body in x years
> all is one
> all is one big message
> hooray for more
> management
> i'll take a shower soon
> moonray
> the pale reflection in a car window
> now it seems the batteries are down
> my batteries help me get the funds out
> still the minibank accept my card
> another identity passes by
> when does this get physical
> which is another illusion of having it breaked
> a crisis demands its repetition
> this is all a kind of glue
> glues all surfaces
> dissolves in water
> sea doesn't fit my feet
> coming back after recycling the garbage
> how long will this continue
> why should we be afraid
> nothing goes on
> time goes on
> somebody, give him some blows
> reaching out is
> hey these cars go fast
> inside the car you don't know it's moving
> all one means something like alone
> another identity passes by
> sorry to say
> this message goes worldwide
> did it help
> plastified corpses play football
> spectrum spectacle
> text dozing off
> sleep is the amount of sleep is it a phi
> 1,6 + 1 = 2,6 24/2,6 = 9,2 hours
> tomorrow is another day
> this is another line
> or it might be the same
> another means the same
> how quiet
> all one
=== message truncated ===

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  • the arts Bjørn Magnhildøen
    • Re: the arts //////////////////////////

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