The responses you've been posting have been great, Tom!

Bob Marcacci

A good man can be stupid and still be good. But
a bad man must have brains.
 - Maxim Gorky

> From: Thomas savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Theory and Writing <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU>
> Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 10:45:45 -0700
> Subject: Re: Blow Wobble
> The sink is under the broom.
>   The water knows.
>   It wobbles as it flows
>   And doesn't adjust
>   It's temperature too easily
>   Three flights up
>   From the ground.
>   Tom Savage
>   5/4/07
> "John M. Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Blow
> sink the
> limber toilet sink
> the shadow sandwich sink
> the amber pantsleg sink the
> useless sleeve sink the jumpy angle
> sink the shaver circuit sink the claustic
> nodder sink the choomer gloom sink the cageless
> drinking sink the sooner robot sink the flaming nipster
> sink the chamber sonar sink the lumpy swallowed sink the
> sloppy second sink the darning focus sink the staging roomer sink
> Wobble
> the flop
> flop goo changer
> flop bee crystal the
> the flop hip grinner the
> tread angle the flop shove tousle
> corner the flop thin ageless the flop
> shoulder the flop trial dollop the flop flame
> cloud tester the flop numb trickle the flop hive
> the flop core brimmer the flop fog noggin the flop
> flop shade twister the flop gaul grommet the flop cast changer
> John M. Bennett
>   __________________________________________
> Dr. John M. Bennett
> Curator, Avant Writing Collection
> Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
> The Ohio State University Libraries
> 1858 Neil Av Mall
> Columbus, OH 43210 USA
> (614) 292-3029
> ___________________________________________
> ---------------------------------
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